Your  Account:

Complaints and Concerns

The information contained herein is for the purpose of providing resources to resolve University-related complaints or concerns. Complaints against faculty by students should be directed to the department chair, first, and then associate dean of the appropriate college (CEHHS, CHABSS, CoBA, CSTEM). Complaints against students by CSUSM faculty, staff, other students, and members of the campus community can be directed to one of the offices listed below as soon as possible. The complaint can be submitted in writing and should include, the date, time, location, parties involved, and a description of the incident.

First Step Resources

Dean of StudentsThe Dean of Students Office serves as an advocate and a centralized resource for connecting students to appropriate resources and support across campus and in the community.

Associated Students Inc.To serve, engage and empower students. ASI is the official voice to express student opinions, foster awareness of student issues, and protect the rights and interests of students. 

University OmbudsThe Office of University Ombuds helps CSUSM students, faculty, and staff informally resolve University-related conflicts, disputes, or complaints in a neutral and confidential manner. 

How to resolve a complaint 

The table below provides more specific types of complaint reporting, resolution and links to CSUSM policies and procedures where they exist.

Issue - Is your complaint... Action

... about a violation of a written campus policy or procedure?

 ... that a member of the faculty, staff, or administration has in some way adversely impacted you by an unauthorized or unjustified act or decision? (Other than a grade appeal.)

Contact the Dean of Students Office to file a complaint at

At any time, you may seek assistance from Dean of Students Office at or by calling (760) 750-4935 or the Office of University Ombuds by calling (760) 750-8366

...against faculty? Contact the department chair 
...against another student? Contact the Dean of Students Office at
... about a financial aid decision, rule and/or regulation? Contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships at or  (760) 750-4850
... about computer equipment or technology? Contact the Student Technology Helpdesk at or Helpdesk Teams Chat or (760) 750-4790
... about your course grade? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies at
... about discrimination, harassment, retaliation, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence or stalking? Contact information for the Title IX Office:
Title IX Website or
file a report
... in regard to a denial of an accommodations due to a qualified disability? Contact Disability Support Services at or (760) 750-4905 or (760) 750-4909 (TTY)
... about parking? Contact or appeal a parking ticket