For the reasons of safety, accessibility, sustainability, ADA compliance, and aesthetics, the campus A-Frame procedures have been revised. A task force including representatives from Facilities, Disability Support Services, Student Leadership & Involvement Center, Dean of Students Office, University Student Union, Events & Conference Services, Office of Communication, and Safety, Health, and Sustainability created the updated procedures. Below you will find the complete list of procedures.
Summary of Procedures
There are a limited number of designated spaces for A-Frames at the various campus locations: Forum Plaza, USU 1st Floor, Markstein, Kellogg Library, University Hall, Veteran’s Center/Markstein, ACD/Founders, SBSB, and the Dome Plaza.
- A-Frames must be placed in the designated spaces (indicated by a white numbered circle on the pavement) for no more than 30 days. The blue and grey spots are not available spots.
- One A-Frame is allowed per white dot identifier. Do not place an additional or move an A-Frame from a dot identifier.
- Organizations/Departments are allowed a maximum of ONE A-Frames in a designated area (i.e. Forum Plaza or USU Arcade).
- All A-Frames must be identified with a luggage tag indicating the campus sponsoring organization, contact, and length of the posting. To request luggage tags, please email dos@csusm.edu with your department name, location, and number of tags.
The spaces and limited number of A-Frames were selected for reasons of accessibility (egress, ADA, and vehicle traffic). Thank you for your support of this new A-Frame procedure and helping to improve the accessibility of the campus plazas and buildings.
A-Frames Guidelines
- Recognized student organizations and campus departments are permitted to place temporary
A-Frame signage in designated locations on campus for the purpose of marketing campus
events and programs. Use of A-Frames is limited to University events/programs. (Directional
signage for events on campus and emergency or safety notifications are exempt from
this policy.)
- For reasons of safety, aesthetics, accessibility, and sustainability, A-Frames are limited to designated locations on campus indidcated by a white numbered dot on the pavement.
- The designated campus locations are marked by a white numbered circle on the ground. A map of the locations is available through Safety, Health, and Sustainability, Dean of Students Office, and Event & Conference Services. The blue and grey spots are not available spots.
- Spaces are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis for a period of no more than 30 days.
- General Guidelines:
- A-Frames are only permitted in designated white dot spaces and on a first-come, first-serve basis. No request for approval is needed.
- Posted information must include the recognized organizational name, University department, and/or contacts.
- The posting must be constructed of a material strong enough to withstand strong winds and weather conditions.
- Size is limited to 2 1/2 feet x 4 feet (30 inches x 48 inches).
- A-Frame may be placed for up to one month at a time per A-Frame. Those promoting a specific event must indicate a removal/expiration date of no more than 48 hours after the conclusion of the event.
- Announcements regarding specific events must include date, time, and location, as well as contact details for people wishing further information and an accommodation statement.
- A-Frames must be tagged (luggage-style tag on handle) with the department or organization that owns the A-Frame. The tag is also required to indicate the expiration date of the current posting.
- Departments/organizations are responsible for removing their A-Frames by the expiration date. Those A-Frames found after the expiration date or in non-designated locations will be removed and may be charged a nominal removal/storage fee. Departments/organizations that repeatedly violate the location and/or timely removal requirements may not be permitted to continue to use A-Frame space. All A-Frames will be removed to the Recycling Center to be picked up by user M-F, 7am-3:30pm.
- Non-CSUSM departments and organizations are not permitted to use A-Frame location or post A-Frames on campus property.
*Questions about lost/removed A-Frames can be referred to George Williams, in Safety, Health & Sustainability at gwilliams@csusm.edu
Other Marketing Options
- Office of Communications Resources
- CSUSM Social Directory
- Digital Signage
- USU Facility Posting Policy (Posting: Posting flyers, Banners, Table Displays)
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