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For the reasons of safety, accessibility, sustainability, ADA compliance, and aesthetics, the campus A-Frame procedures have been revised.  A task force including representatives from Facilities, Disability Support Services, Student Leadership & Involvement Center, Dean of Students Office, University Student Union, Events & Conference Services, Office of Communication, and Safety, Health, and Sustainability created the updated procedures.  Below you will find the complete list of procedures. 

Summary of Procedures

There are a limited number of designated spaces for A-Frames at the various campus locations: Forum Plaza, USU 1st Floor, Markstein, Kellogg Library, University Hall, Veteran’s Center/Markstein, ACD/Founders, SBSB, and the Dome Plaza.

  • A-Frames must be placed in the designated spaces (indicated by a white numbered circle on the pavement) for no more than 30 days. The blue and grey spots are not available spots. 
  • One A-Frame is allowed per white dot identifier.  Do not place an additional or move an A-Frame from a dot identifier. 
  • Organizations/Departments are allowed a maximum of ONE A-Frames in a designated area (i.e. Forum Plaza or USU Arcade).
  • All A-Frames must be identified with a luggage tag indicating the campus sponsoring organization, contact, and length of the posting.  To request luggage tags, please email with your department name, location, and number of tags. 

The spaces and limited number of A-Frames were selected for reasons of accessibility (egress, ADA, and vehicle traffic).  Thank you for your support of this new A-Frame procedure and helping to improve the accessibility of the campus plazas and buildings.

A-Frames Guidelines

  1. Recognized student organizations and campus departments are permitted to place temporary A-Frame signage in designated locations on campus for the purpose of marketing campus events and programs. Use of A-Frames is limited to University events/programs. (Directional signage for events on campus and emergency or safety notifications are exempt from this policy.)
    1. For reasons of safety, aesthetics, accessibility, and sustainability, A-Frames are limited to designated locations on campus indidcated by a white numbered dot on the pavement.
    2. The designated campus locations are marked by a white numbered circle on the ground. A map of the locations is available through Safety, Health, and Sustainability, Dean of Students Office, and Event & Conference Services.  The blue and grey spots are not available spots. 
    3. Spaces are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis for a period of no more than 30 days.
    4. General Guidelines: 
      1. A-Frames are only permitted in designated white dot spaces and on a first-come, first-serve basis. No request for approval is needed.
      2. Posted information must include the recognized organizational name, University department, and/or contacts.
      3. The posting must be constructed of a material strong enough to withstand strong winds and weather conditions.
      4. Size is limited to 2 1/2 feet x 4 feet (30 inches x 48 inches).
      5. A-Frame may be placed for up to one month at a time per A-Frame. Those promoting a specific event must indicate a removal/expiration date of no more than 48 hours after the conclusion of the event.
      6. Announcements regarding specific events must include date, time, and location, as well as contact details for people wishing further information and an accommodation statement.
      7. A-Frames must be tagged (luggage-style tag on handle) with the department or organization that owns the A-Frame. The tag is also required to indicate the expiration date of the current posting.
      8. Departments/organizations are responsible for removing their A-Frames by the expiration date. Those A-Frames found after the expiration date or in non-designated locations will be removed and may be charged a nominal removal/storage fee. Departments/organizations that repeatedly violate the location and/or timely removal requirements may not be permitted to continue to use A-Frame space. All A-Frames will be removed to the Recycling Center to be picked up by user M-F, 7am-3:30pm.
    5. Non-CSUSM departments and organizations are not permitted to use A-Frame location or post A-Frames on campus property.

*Questions about lost/removed A-Frames can be referred to George Williams, in Safety, Health & Sustainability at 

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