Annual Recognition
This page outlines the annual recognition process for currently recognized student organizations. The recognition process occurs annually during the spring semester for recognition the following academic year.
New Organizations: The instructions on this page are for already-existing, currently recognized student organizations. New organizations must first complete the process to Start a New Org.
Annual Recognition Steps
Student organizations seeking re-recognition must complete the following steps during the Spring semester for recognition the following academic year. See the Recognition Timeline on this page for specific dates and deadlines.
- Step 1: Submit Organization Transition Form
This step should be completed by the organization's outgoing or continuing officers (any of the current 2023-2024 officers who will be continuing as an officer or transitioning out for 2024-2025).
The organization's outgoing or continuing officers start the Annual Recognition process by completing the Transition Form. Access your Transition Form by following these steps:
- Go to the Tukwut Trax student portal (make sure to do this on a computer with your window full screen)
- Click the person icon in the top right corner, select Login, then enter your CSUSM credentials
- When the page reloads, click the person icon again and select Admin Dashboard
- Select Organizations from the menu on the left
- Find your organization on the list. Click the three stacked dots on the right side of the page, and select Transition
- Follow the prompts to fill in the form, and then scroll back to the top and hit Submit.
Note: If you cannot access your Transition Form, please email studentorg@csusm.edu.
For additional support with navigating Tukwut Trax, follow the link below:
- Step 2: Submit Officer & Advisor Agreement Forms
The organization's Fall 2024 President, Treasurer, and Advisor must each submit an Officer/Advisor Agreement Form.
Note: This form must be signed each academic year and is still required for returning/continuing Presidents, Treasurers, and Advisors.
2024-2025 Officer/Advisor Agreement Form
Note: Student Organization Presidents and Treasurers must meet the minimum requirements outlined in the CSU Chancellor's Excecutive Order 1068.
- Step 3: Sign up for SOLC
The organization's incoming or continuing Fall 2024 President and Treasurer must sign up to attend the Student Organization Leadership Conference (SOLC) in August.
Note: This training is required every academic year and is still mandatory for returning/continuing Presidents and Treasurers. If your organization fails to send two (2) members to both days of the conference, your organization will not be recognized.
- Step 4: Attend SOLC (or complete online make-up)
The organization's incoming or continuing Fall 2024 President and Treasurer must attend the Student Organization Leadership Conference (SOLC) in August.
Note: This training is required every academic year and is still mandatory for returning/continuing Presidents and Treasurers. If your organization fails to send two (2) members to both days of the conference, your organization will not be recognized.
- Step 5: Complete Online Officer Training
The organization's Fall 2024 President and Treasurer must complete the online training.
- This training is different than attending SOLC or completing the online SOLC make-up.
- This trianing required every academic year and is still mandatory for returning/continuing Presidents and Treasurers.
- Additional officers and members may complete the training for their own learning purposes.
Annual Recognition Workshops
If you'd like to learn more about the Annual Recognition process or get direct support from a SLIC staff member, you can attend any of the following optional workshops. Light snacks and beverages will be provided at all workshops.
- Friday, April 12th: Annual Recognition Office Hours (In-Person)
Stop by the SLIC office during this time to ask questions and get support with the Annual Recognition process. We encourage you to bring a laptop to work on your required forms!
11AM-12PM, SLIC Office (USU 3600)
- Tuesday, April 16th: Annual Recognition Overview Workshop (In-Person)
Attend this workshop for a general overview of the Annual Recognition process and tips for submitting the required forms. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop to follow along with the presenter.
12-1 PM, SLIC Office (USU 3600)
- Thursday, April 18th: Annual Recognition Office Hours (In-Person)
Stop by the SLIC office during this time to ask questions and get support with the Annual Recognition process. We encourage you to bring a laptop to work on your required forms!
11AM-12PM, SLIC Office (USU 3600)
- Monday, April 22nd: Annual Recognition Overview Workshop (Zoom)
Attend this workshop for a general overview of the Annual Recognition process and tips for submitting the required forms. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop to follow along with the presenter.
10AM-11AM, Zoom
- Wednesday, April 24th: Annual Recognition Office Hours (Zoom)
Stop by our Zoom link during this time to ask questions and get support with the Annual Recognition process.
12PM-1PM, Zoom
- Friday, May 3rd: Annual Recognition Office Hours (In-Person)
Stop by the SLIC office during this time to ask questions and get support with the Annual Recognition process. We encourage you to bring a laptop to work on your required forms!
10 AM - 12 PM, SLIC Office (USU 3600)
Key Policies
The recognition of student organizations at CSUSM is governed by policies and procedures established by the California State University and Board of Trustees, and the President of CSUSM. University policy requires that all campus student organizations be recognized through the Student Leadership & Involvement Center in order to associate the student organization with the name of California State University San Marcos and receive privileges afforded to recognized organizations. In order to maintain recognition, organizations must complete the annual recognition process and abide by all relevant Student Organization policies and procedures, including, but not limited to:
- Open Membership
CSU policy requires that all recognized student organizations abide by an open membership policy:
"No campus shall recognize any fraternity, sorority, honor society, or other student organization that discriminates on the basis of race or ethnicity (including color, caste, and ancestry), religion (or religious creed), nationality, citizenship, age, medical condition, genetic information, gender (or sex), gender identity (including nonbinary or transgender), gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran or military status, or disability (physical or mental)...No campus shall recognize any student organization unless its membership and leadership are open to all currently enrolled students at that campus, with the limited exception that a social fraternity or sorority may impose a gender limitation as permitted by Education Code Section 66273."
- University AdvisorAll student organizations must have a university advisor who is either a faculty member or professional staff member of CSUSM or one of its auxiliaries. Part-time faculty and professional staff are permitted serve as advisors. Undergraduate student staff and graduate assistants are not eligible to serve as advisors.
- Minimum number of studentsAll student organizations must maintain a roster of at least five students who are currently enrolled in at least one class at CSUSM. The organization must designate one member to serve as President, and another to serve as Treasurer.
- Officer Requirements
Per CSU Chancellor's Executive Order 1068, all Presidents and Treasurers of recognized Student Organizations must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Is matriculated and enrolled at CSUSM.
- Maintains a minimum on-campus grade point average of 2.0 each term.
- Is in good standing with the University and not on probation of any kind.
- If an undergraduate student: is earning at least six semester units while holding office. If a Graduate or Credential student: is earning at least 3 semester units while holding office.
- If an undergraduate student: Has not exceeded 150 total units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater. If a Graduate or Credential student: has not exceeded 50 total units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate or credential objective, whichever is greater.
- Submits mandatory agreements and attends mandatory officer trainings conducted by SLIC.
Failure to meet the requirements below will result in removal from office and will risk the recognition status of the organization.
Benefits of Recognition
Recognized student organizations are afforded a variety of privileges, including but not limited to the following:
- Use of university facilities for meetings and events.
- Fundraising opportunities on campus within established guidelines.
- Organization name listed in the student organization directory.
- Use of ASI Banking and Accounting services.
- Ability to receive full or partial funding for specific events through ASI.
- Use of the CSUSM name in organization correspondence and publicity.
- Use of designated bulletin boards for publicity.
- Ability to recruit members on campus.
Organizations must successfully complete the annual recognition process to access these benefits.