Focus on Customer Service
Customer service is a current reality in higher education but it is not defined using the term “customer service”. Customer service is simply treating students, staff and faculty with respect and courtesy. By taking a more customer focused approach and implementing a service excellence initiative, universities are linking service to functional synergy and retention. It is representing the university as a brand and delivering service that best represents the university as not only an institution of learning but also a brand. Addressing customer service is more important today because of the need for many institutions to compete for and retain students.
- Expectations of services are evolving – time of day, speed of response, and many more methods (e.g. Self Service)
- Standard operating strategies built around a Monday through Friday have already reached obsolesce
- Are we doing the right thing; is it really what people want
- Self-Service and In-Person Service Oriented Options
- Effective Communications
- Clearly Defined Service Expectations
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Service catalogs - transition from technology-oriented organization into a service-oriented
- organization
- IITS open house/workshops
- Training
- Intentional communications and follow up
Campus Connection
- Campus Community
- Simple Understanding of Services
- Campus Climate - Effective Communications - service oriented
What is IITS already doing related to Focus on Customer Service?
- IITS membership on campus committees
- Solicited feedback
- M?? services more visible to the campus community
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Focus on Customer Service?
- Web Services
- Campus community
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Focus on Customer Service surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Suggestion Box
- Unified management of IITS website
- Live Chat with technical staff
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Focus on Customer Service needs, if adopted?
- Resources & Staffing
- Support Metrics
- Silos
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- One-Stop Shop
- Friendly Approachable
- Comprehensive communication plans for improvement of internal and external communications
- Support delivery of targeted communications to stakeholders
- Clear communication, hand offs, both internal and external
- Clearly defined campus community benefits