About Us
Parking and Commuter Services strives to provide innovative parking resources to the Cal State San Marcos community through Integrity, Teamwork, and Outstanding Customer Service.
Self Support Operation: Parking Services at Cal State San Marcos is a self-support program established to provide parking facilities and resources. It derives no support from the State for capital outlay or operational costs. All costs of operation, including staff and benefit costs, debt service, maintenance and construction of parking lots, and in the future, parking structures, are paid for by income received from parking fees.
- Revenues received from ticket payments support the operating costs for the fines and forfeitures program, alternative modes of transportation, and for surcharges paid to San Diego County.
- Revenues from fines and forfeitures cannot support the cost of parking construction.
Contacting Parking Services:
- Administration (Front Counter, Permit Sales, Ticket Appeals, Events, etc)
- Phone: (760) 750-7500
- Adjudication (Ticket and Appeals)
- Phone: (760) 750-7505
- Email: parkingadjudication@csusm.edu
- Commuter Services (Carpool, Biking, Vanpool, Bus, Sprinter, etc)
- Phone: (760) 750-7029
- Email: commuterprograms@csusm.edu
- General Email: parking@csusm.edu
- General Fax: (760) 750-3880
Location: PSB 63 (University Police Building)
Lobby Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Friday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Mailing Address
Parking and Commuter Services
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001
How are Parking Funds spent? Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Parking Expenses
Parking Funding
From inception, all parking projects were funded centrally by the Chancellor’s Office. In 1995, Parking was decentralized by the Chancellor’s Office. As a new campus, building from the ground up, the Parking department at California State University San Marcos became responsible for planning and managing our own parking resources. Included in the areas of responsibility falling to each campus Parking department individually: annual operations, maintenance and repair of parking lots and parking structure(s), bond indebtedness, General Fund support, new construction projects, establishment of required reserves, and payment of systemwide expenses. Parking and Commuter Services receives no state support; Parking is 100% self-support.