Quantum science internship applications for summer 2025 at Sandia National Labs have closed. Applicants should hear back in Late January/early February about their applications.
If you're curious about other internship opportunities we encourage you look at and the Quantum Consortium and selecting “Internships”. They both list several other internship opportunities, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs, etc to gain hands-on skills in QIST. If you have an opportunity you would like to share on this page please reach out to Justin Perron at and Megan Ivory at
Example Projects
- Exploring Topological Material-based Device Physics
(materials physics) This project will theoretically explore novel physics of superconductivity in topological materials and semiconductor heterostructures for microelectronics applications. As part of our team, you will help develop physics-based models to assist experimental collaborators with optimizing device performance and better understand underlying physical mechanisms. Depending on the applicant’s interests, the theoretical modeling may involve (i) analytic methods from calculus and linear algebra and/or (ii) numerical modeling and scientific computing.
- Characterizing a Broadband Electro-Optical Modulator for Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
(experimental quantum computing) This project will characterize the performance of a fiber-based electro-optical modulator (EOM) that applies sidebands of different frequencies to our main Doppler cooling laser. This is an experimental role in which you will learn to operate a UV extended cavity diode laser, align fiber optics, and use several tools for characterizing beam power, frequency, and fiber coupling.
- Build an Optical Switchboard for a Trapped Ion Atomic Clock
(experimental atomic clocks) This project will design, build, and characterize an optical layout for splitting our repump laser into multiple beam paths and switching the beams using acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). This is an experimental role in which you will learn to use an IR laser, design an optical layout, align optics, AOMs, and fibers, and use beam characterization tools.
- Developing Software to Interface a Camera with Existing Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
Control System
(modeling & simulations) This project will model the atomic physics (both classical and quantum) associated with various applications of trapped ions confined by microfabricated surface traps. This is a theory focused role in which you will be expected to learn basic atomic physics and develop code using python or similar for modeling different behaviors such as interaction with electromagnetic waves (lasers and microwaves), shuttling in an electric potential, etc.
- Enhancing interaction between hardware and a trapped ion quantum computer
(software engineering) This project will develop software solutions to optimize performance and efficiency of our trapped ion quantum computer. The intern will be responsible for writing tools that facilitate the implementation of algorithms, data analysis, and collaboration with the research team. Working closely with the software team and experimentalists, the project may evolve as needed to fit the current needs of the experiment.
- Brain-computer-interfacing
(quantum sensing and AI) This project develops a non-invasive brain-computer-interface (BCI) by utilizing unique capabilities of quantum sensors at Sandia National Laboratories. Using atom-based neuroimaging systems pioneered at Sandia, we will sense the neuromagnetic field of the subject’s brain. By use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the subject’s neural activities will be mapped to either perceived or imagined speech. The proposed project is a major step toward non-invasive BCIs for able-bodied service members.
- Quantum device characterization
(trapped ion quantum computing) Trapped ion quantum computing has many critical components, this project will focus on one of the most prominent pieces, ion trap development. We hope to find a new way to enable scaling of ion traps towards using longer chains. We will study these new ion trap configurations and characterize the performance of the trap by measuring important benchmarks on qubit performance. This will involve trapping ions, vacuum chamber work, laser alignment, and learning fundamentals of atomic and quantum physics.
- Accessible Quantum Communication
(workforce development) This project focuses on developing outreach and marketing materials that could be distributed to public audiences to introduce core quantum concepts and pique their interest in quantum writ large. A successful intern would be familiar with basic quantum concepts and willing to work with quantum business development staff to create new materials like short videos, flyers, presentations, etc.