Course Sequences
Plan of Study- CSUSM MPH- Health Promotion- Fall Matriculation
Plan of Study- CSUSM MPH- Health Promotion- Spring Matriculation
Plan of Study- CSUSM MPH- Global Health- Fall Matriculation
Plan of Study- CSUSM MPH- Global Health- Spring Matriculation
Course Descriptions
PH 501-Foundations of Public Health & Policy (3)
Introduces the five core public health disciplines: Health Services, Epidemiology,
Social and Behavioral Sciences, Environmental Health, and Biostatistics. Summarizes
the biomedical basis of public health, historical developments, health ethics in research,
and the future challenges to public health. Also presents the fundamentals of social
and behavioral science emphasizing theoretical foundations (ie.behavior change theories)
as well as an introduction to advocacy, informatics, diversity and culture, leadership,
and public health biology.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH program.
PH 502-Foundations of Health Systems Organization, Delivery and Policy (3)
Introduces concepts and practices of health care and public health, with an emphasis
on the structure and functions of the health system as well as planning, implementation,
management, and evaluation of health-related programs. Includes the mission/vision,
history, core functions, infrastructure, processes, and outcomes of the health system.
Theoretical and practical perspectives are presented to illustrate how the health
system works. Introduces current trends in health care delivery, including medical
and legal issues, health policy, labor relations, managed care, group practice management,
and long term care.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 503-Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3)
Examines current issues in health from a social science and behavioral perspective.
Determinants of health are explored using an ecological approach to identify multilevel
influences, risk factors, and health prevention and promotion strategies. A foundation
for understanding of public health concepts, tools and approaches, and a critical
examination of health and disease within populations is provided.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 504-Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
Covers biostatistical methods needed in the design and analysis of biomedical and
public health investigations. Includes descriptive statistics and plots, types of
data, theoretical distributions, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and
one-way analysis of variance. Introduces correlation, univariate linear regression,
and the use of statistical software.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 505-Epidemiology (3)
General principles, methods, and applications of epidemiology for public health, research,
clinical practice, and evaluation of public policy. Includes methods of outbreak investigations,
measures of disease frequency, standardization of disease rates, research methods
and study design, measures of risk, causal inference, disease screening, surveillance,
and evaluation of health services and screening programs. Emphasizes the critical
analysis of current studies in the public health literature and the identification
of epidemiologic resources, databases, and problems.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisite: PH 504.
PH 506-Environmental Determinants of Health (3)
Provides an introduction to environmental factors affecting the health of communities.
Addresses current and emerging environmental health topics and challenges. Primary
focus is on biological, physical, and chemical determinants and exposures associated
with human health. Also covers environmental health-associated effects of global
warming, occupational hazards, and environmental problems. Provides opportunities
for students to explore real-world environmental health issues through a combination
of in-class course work, field trips, and service learning projects.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisite: PH 501
PH 507-Research Methods and Proposal Writing (3)
Emphasizes research design, data collection, statistical analysis, computer application,
and writing of research reports. Unique problems associated with data collection in
public health settings such as public health departments, neighborhood health centers,
and community-based organizations will be addressed. Quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed research designs will be explored. Considerable emphasis is placed on evaluation
of public health research published in scholarly publications. A research proposal
is written as one of the course requirements.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 530-Health Disparities, Diversity, and Culture (3)
Examines the importance of ethnic and cultural factors for community health practice,
as well as the essential theories, models, and culturally-appropriate practices for
working with ethnicity, gender, and social issues. Explores the health implications
of community demographics, disparities, multicultural populations, communication,
aging, sexual orientation, children, and future challenges.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisites: PH 501,
PH 531-Community Engagement and Health Education (3)
Focuses on the assessment and analysis of community-based health needs, the application
of a wide range of theories, health education methods, and program implementation.
The development of partnerships through advocacy, coalitions, and community engagement,
and community-based participatory research will be explored. Emphasizes the need for
health communication, health literacy, theoretical frameworks, and social media in
community-based settings. Introduces professional and ethical standards for community-based
practice and research methods.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisites: PH 501,
PH 532-Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (3)
Provides an overview of the development of public health programs and interventions
to address the most important health issues affecting our communities at local, national,
and international levels. Introduces theoretical application and the process of public
health programming, including assessment, design, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Also includes an overview of effective public health interventions using the PRECEDE/PROCEED
model as a foundation to explore various levels of program planning and evaluation.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisite: PH 501,
502, 503, 504
PH 533-Health Communication (3)
Provides foundational information, tools, and teaching methodologies for health promotion,
disease prevention, and health education. Explores theoretical and practical perspectives
to illustrate how healthcare professionals can positively influence the ability of
patients, families, and diverse communities to prevent and manage their health and
wellness through health communication practices.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 560-Principles of Global Humanitarian Emergencies (3)
Introduces the comprehensive nature of global public health preparedness and humanitarian
response efforts for natural or human-made disasters. Includes the preparedness elements
necessary for adequate responses to population shifts caused by natural and human-made
disasters. Theoretical, ethical, and legal issues associated with all phases of humanitarian
emergencies, including resettlement, will be presented. Methods to evaluate infectious
disease and cultural epidemiologic data will be explored as resources for key decision-making.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 561-Global Health: Chronic & Infectious Diseases (3)
Provides an overview of current knowledge on mechanisms of major chronic and infectious
diseases causing death and disability globally. Unique epidemiologic features, risk
factors, relevant technical challenges, resource limitations, and cultural barriers
that have shaped current approaches will be discussed. Successful evidence-based strategies
designed to prevent and control these diseases will be reviewed. Introduces the Millennium
Development Goals for reducing childhood mortality, improving maternal health, and
combating diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 562-Global Health Policy and Practice (3)
Integrates key concepts, theories, and methods related to socio-cultural, political,
and economic determinants of health and health status from a global perspective. Includes
global health inequalities, social determinants of health, links between development
and health, international health systems, global health diplomacy, human rights, health
system reforms, and global health governance. Explores the methodological challenges
of developing policy responses to global health issues, the implementation of health
policy, and best practices in the delivery of effective, ethical, and culturally-appropriate
health interventions for various settings.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 563-Community-Based Participatory Research (3)
Introduces a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners
in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each partner brings.
Addresses the theories, principles, and strategies of community-based participatory
research, the advantages and limitations to using this approach, and some of the skills
necessary for participating effectively in community-based participatory research.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 690-Special Topics in Public Health (1-3)
Various topics in public health and public health research. Students should check
the Class Schedule for listing of actual topics.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
PH 693-Internship (3)
Practical application of principles related to Public Health in a supervised 180-hour
internship experience approved by the Public Health Internship Coordinator.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Prerequisites are completion
of all core courses: PH 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, and 507)
PH 695-Capstone Project in Public Health (3)
Focuses on practical application of public health foundational and concentration competencies
in a project-based format. Emphasis is placed on targeting a specific audience or
stakeholder, e.g., non-profit or government organization, and to demonstrate critical
thinking skills. Includes, but not limited to, options such as grant proposal writing,
community needs and risk assessment, curriculum development, policy analysis, and/or
agency based project. Grading Basis: Credit / No Credit Enrollment
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Enrollment requirement:
completion of all prior required courses in the MPH program.
PH 696 - MPH Comprehensive Exam (3)
Focuses on the application of public health foundational and concentration competencies
through an essay-based comprehensive exam. Emphasizes the synthesis and integration
of public health competencies through the completion of a high-quality written product
and demonstrated critical thinking skills. Includes, but not limited to, case study
evaluation, program evaluation, training and/or intervention manual development, policy
statement with supporting research, take-home essay, legislative testimony with supporting
reearch, community needs and risk assessment, grant proposal, or similar high-quality
written product.
Grading Basis: Credit / No Credit
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program.
Enrollment requirement: completion of all core and concentration-specific MPH courses.
PH 697-Independent Study in Public Health (1-3)
Independent study in a public health area as outlined and agreed upon by the instructor
and student. May include assistance on a faculty research project or mentored study/travel
abroad experience.
Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the MPH Program. Enrollment restricted
to students who have obtained consent of instructor required. May be repeated for
credit for a total of six (6) units.
PH 698-Thesis (1-3)
Independent research thesis or graduate project related to an approved public health
area. Must work with a faculty advisor for approval of topic and committee development. Graded Credit/No Credit or Report in Progress (RP).
Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and consent of department. Enrollment restricted
to students admitted to the MPH Program. May be repeated for credit for a total of
three (3) units. Enrollment requirement: Advancement to candidacy.