Facility Guidelines
- In compliance with CSUSM Policy on Animals on Campus, no animals are allowed inside the USU unless deemed a service animal.
- Under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. Animals that meet this definition are considered service animals whether or not they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. Service animals, usually dogs of any breed or size, are working animals and are not considered pets.
- A service animal must be secured to a leash no more than six (6) feet in length and in the hand of person at all times.
- No person shall tie, tether or secure any animal whether attended or unattended, licensed or unlicensed, to any object other than within a vehicle or container that complies with the CSU San Marcos campus policy, including the USU rooftop patio, amphitheater, terraces, stair railings, etc.
- The USU will establish an Art Committee to determine what artwork will be displayed.
- Requests to display exhibits in the USU are subject to approval. The USU administration, in conjunction with the artist, will coordinate the installation of the display. The artist is responsible for insuring the artwork and the USU accepts no liability for lost or stolen artwork.
- Art displays being considered permanent will be submitted to the CSUSM Arts Council for review.
- Commercial solicitation on campus (including the USU) is prohibited unless prior written authorization has been obtained from the University President or designee. Permission for commercial solicitation shall be granted by the University President, subject to regulation as to time, place and manner thereof, unless such solicitation for sale would be in violation of law. Please refer to the CSUSM Commercial Solicitation Policy at http://www.csusm.edu/policies/active/documents/commercial_solicitation_policy.html.
- Groups and student organizations reserving USU facilities are responsible for the conduct of their members and guests and shall be held responsible for any damages caused to the USU facilities, property and equipment by their members or guests.
- It is agreed that charges arising from the use of USU facilities will be billed to the sponsoring organization’s principal member and will remain the principal member’s obligation and responsibility until paid. This includes any theft or property damage occurring from the use of the facility.
- It is understood that the organization accepts and agrees to abide by USU policies and procedures and CSUSM policies and/or procedures. The USU facilities are for use by all members of the CSUSM community. The policies outlined are intended to facilitate the use of the USU with the least possible infringement on the activity or freedom of individual groups.
- The sponsoring organization agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the USU, CSUSM and its officers, employees and agents harmless against all claims, loss or liability arising from damage to or destruction of property or injury or death to persons occurring because of or related to their reservations.
- The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for students, faculty and staff. Each member of the campus community should choose behaviors that contribute toward this end. Students are expected to be good citizens, and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their university, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus community and contribute positively to student and university life. (CSUSM 40301. Standards for Student Conduct)
- Individuals and groups acknowledge that their use of the USU must comply with all applicable laws and CSUSM policies. Failure to comply may result in sanctions imposed by CSUSM or criminal liability. Individuals interfering with the peaceful conduct of the campus or facility or who have entered the campus or facility for the purpose of committing any such act, may be directed to leave by the chief administrative officer or designee pursuant to California Penal Code Section 626.6(a).
- Users of the USU must abide by the signals given by all emergency alarms. Event organizers and participants must immediately exit the building when the emergency alarm goes off. They must also follow the directions given by USU staff and emergency personnel. A Building Marshall program will be implemented in support of the emergency plan.
- Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are located on each floor of the USU.
- To ensure that all USU patrons remain safe and can use the facilities without endangering themselves or others, combustibles and other noxious materials may not be brought inside the Student Union.
- The USU assumes no responsibility for the damage or loss of articles, equipment or other items left in the facility prior to, during or following use. All personal belongings are to be removed at the end of an event. Items found in the facility will immediately be turned over to the University Police Department lost and found.
Use of photographic or film equipment within the University Student Union (USU):
Must not interfere with the study, research, privacy, or safety needs of USU users;
- Must honor quiet department areas;
- Must not violate any CSUSM policies, rules, or regulations;
- May not hinder access to exits, stairways, corridors, doorways, and other USU areas;
Those who make extensive use of photographic or film equipment, use lights or tripods, or shift (or otherwise make use of) USU materials or furniture, must also:
- Schedule the project for a period of low USU usage;
- Must receive prior approval from department for filming in particular areas.
- Minimize disturbance to USU staff and users;
- No furniture may be removed or re-arranged until requested in advance and approved by USU staff.
- As a best practice, please receive consent from subjects that may appear in your productions. If a subject indicates they do not want to be included in your production, please respect their wishes and do not photograph or film them.
- Failure to comply with any of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
- Per the CSUSM video and film guidelines, all non-student requests need to be routed through University Communications and require approval for work to be performed. University Communications can be reached at publicity@csusm.edu
- Bulletin Boards in the USU
- Bulletin boards are located in the USU and are managed by the USU Administration. Posting on USU bulletin boards will be done by USU staff.
- University departments, recognized student organizations and ASI are allowed to publicize within the USU, provided that they comply with the regulations established by the University. USU Bulletin Boards are for the publicizing of events, programs and services held on campus. Off-campus events may only be publicized on these boards if they are sponsored by a University department, individual faculty or staff member (in the function of employment).
- All postings must include the name of the author (sponsoring individual or organization) and the date of the event. Items submitted to be posted on USU bulletin boards must be at least 4x6 inches but not exceed 81/2 x11 inches. Only one item for the same event per bulletin board, regardless of the size / style of flyer. All flyers must comply with CSUSM logo and branding standards. Flyers must include accessibility information for events.
- Flyers may be dropped off to the USU Information Desk by Friday at 5pm during the AY for posting during the following week. They will be posted for maximum of one week and will be removed. The sponsoring group may resubmit the posting request pending availability. Flyers featuring series events or programs with multiple dates may be posted longer than one week upon special request and pending availability.
- Materials that do not correspond to the guidelines noted in these procedures, or that violate University policy (for example, harassment and non-discrimination), state law (Example – CA Penal Code 311-312.7) or federal law will not be posted, and if found otherwise posted in the USU - will be removed.
- Off campus entities are not allowed to post materials, flyers or leave handbills within the USU facility. Publications (such as newspapers) from off campus may not be distributed in the USU. Off-campus announcements that have no formal relationship to the function of the University or its students should be posted on the Community Access Boards located elsewhere campus.
- Priority for posting will be given to Student Organization sponsored events held in
the USU as well as USU building partner sponsored events.
- Handbills
- Contact Information must be clearly visible on the handbill.
- Handbills are flyers detailing campus events, programs or services that are distributed personally by members of a University department, recognized Student Organization, CSUSM students, or by individual members of the faculty or staff.
- Handbills may not be left unattended in an area for pick-up; they must be handed from one person to another. Handbills may not exceed 8.5 X 11 inches in size and must include the name of the sponsoring organization on each sheet distributed.
- Distribution of handbills is limited to the exterior of the USU only. Distribution
or placement of handbills, circularsandflyers is not allowed inside of the USU.
All handbills must include contact information and must comply with CSUSM logo and branding standards.
- Metal and Glass Railings at the USU (Interior and Exterior)
- Interior metal and glass walkway railings are not available for posting signs or hanging banners, except when authorized in advanced by the USU Administration.
The USU permits Student Organizations and campus departments to request hanging banners in select areas of the building. Banners provide a great way to promote organizations and events to campus community members. The USU reserves the right to schedule banners according to the operational needs. Please review the USU Banner Guidelines.
- Table Displays
- University departments, recognized student organizations and ASI may request posting of flyers in acrylic table displays within the USU Dining Pavilion and Commuter Lounge. Handmade “table tents” are not permitted.
- Groups wanting to post in the table displays may drop off flyers to the USU Information Desk by Friday at 5pm during the AY, for posting during the following week. Items will be posted for one week and will be removed. The sponsoring group may resubmit the posting request pending availability. There is a limited amount of space and flyers will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis starting the week prior to posting.
- Table display flyers must be pre-printed and cut to the appropriate size for display (1/4 size sheets). All table display flyers must comply with CSUSM logo and branding standards.
- No single organization is allowed to have more than one table display flyer being advertised simultaneously without prior approval by the USU Administration.
- Campus Dining has a standing reservation for table displays in the dining pavilion and are also authorized to display their own table tents with prior approval.
Priority for posting will be given to Student Organization sponsored events held in the USU as well as USU building partner sponsored events.
- Other Advertising
- A-frames may not be stationed in areas that obstruct normal pedestrian traffic flow or violate University Fire Code. Approval for A-frame placement must be obtained by the USU Administration.
- Chalking is not allowed at the USU (including sidewalks, patios, pathways and amphitheater).
- Posting is not allowed on elevators, telephone booths, bathroom stalls, sculptures, signs, or planted garden areas. Nothing shall be posted as to obscure previously posted, properly placed materials.
- Digital Signage in the USU is intended for USU and USU building partners only.
Policy violations committed by recognized student organizations will be referred to Student Leadership & Involvement Center for the review of conduct its implications on the organization's privileges or recognition status.
- Bulletin Boards in the USU
In partnership with Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), the University Student Union (USU) is excited to provide refrigerated lockers in the Commuter Lounge on the first floor of the USU. Refrigerated Lockers are accessible during regular hours of operation and are intended for CSUSM Students for day use only. CSUSM Students who wish to utilize a locker may store perishable food and food products on a first-come first-served basis. Personal items not requiring refrigeration should be stored in the regular day use lockers located at the 1stfloor and 4th Floor USU areas.
All Refrigerated Locker Users Must:
- Remove all belongings and clean out the locker, by fifteen (15) minutes prior to building closure: 9:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 7:45 p.m. on Friday; 4:45 p.m. on Saturday & 9:45 p.m. on Sunday.
- Not possess or store any items in violation of the campus code of conduct, local, state and/or federal laws.
- Not store medications in lockers unless they require refrigeration and are prescribed by a doctor. (Current labeling must match user.)
- Be responsible for any damage caused to the locker during use, whether structural or aesthetic, and to pay for repair and/or replacement costs.
- Ensure bottom row lockers are prioritized for ADA access.
If items are left in lockers beyond the intended daily usage period, all items are subject to removal by USU staff. Non-perishable items removed from lockers (such as lunchboxes) will be sent to Campus Lost & Found (located at UPD). Perishable items (and the containers that they are in) will be properly disposed of by USU staff.
California State University San Marcos reserves the right to remove the contents of the locker, without notification, in cases of a structural emergency, to ensure safety or security, and/or to comply with an authorized criminal investigation. California State University San Marcos and its officers, employees, and agents are not responsible for loss, injury, or damage to persons and/or locker contents.
- The USU is designated as a no-smoking facility. In accordance with CSUSM Smoking Policy, smoking is prohibited anywhere on campus effective August 28th, 2017. CSUSM has adopted a smoke and tobacco free campus policy, contributing to our commitment to be a respectful, safe and healthy learning and working environment for all our faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Please refer to the CSUSM Smoke Free webpage for more information.
- Furniture in all lounges and public areas shall be moved only by USU staff.
- Bicycles and unicycles may be parked only in designated areas on the outside of the facility.
- All motorized and non-motorized bicycles or other wheeled transportation devices (skateboards, roller blades, unicycles, skate shoes, scooters, etc.) except disabled access vehicles, are not allowed in the USU building (including individual offices) and outdoor spaces.
- For more information please see the CSUSM Personal Mobility Device Policies webpage.
- Any non-CSUSM student under the age of 18 years must be under the immediate supervision of an adult to any USU staff member upon request.
- In the interest of safety, all persons will evacuate the building calmly and immediately in the event of any emergency or as requested by USU Staff.
- Shoes and shirts must be worn in the USU. For health and safety reasons, bare feet are prohibited throughout the USU building including outdoor eating areas and restrooms. Exceptions may be made for certain culturally related events and performances, or within the Reflection Lounge and the adjacent foot-wash station.
- Any behavior exhibited in the USU that violates the law or University policy will not be tolerated and may result in prosecution or disciplinary action.
- Building tours of the USU which include areas not normally open to the public must be conducted by USU employees only and with authorization of the USU Director or his/her designee.
- No person, while on University property, shall possess, carry, or have control of any firearm, whether loaded or not, unless such person is transporting the firearm directly to Public Safety for storage and/or safekeeping, or has prior written approval from the President of the University, or his/her designee, and has notified the Chief of University Police of such approval. Exceptions would be sworn peace officers of the State of California, and where otherwise provided by law. See CSUSM Policy on Firearms, Weapons or Destructive Devices for more information.
Complete Facility Policies and Procedures can be provided upon request, please inquire with usuevents@csusm.edu.