USU Event Guidelines
View USU Event Guidelines in PDF format here.
Student Organizations
Student organizations who have completed the recognition process through Student Leadership and Involvement Center (SLIC) and are recognized as an active organization, in good standing, meeting all requirements and standards.
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
ASI Board of Directors, ASI entities and ASI operational staff; official committees, programs and services regularly funded and operated by ASI.
CSUSM Departments / On Campus Groups / Groups with a formal campus affiliation
Groups conducting CSUSM business and support functions. These groups include: CSUSM offices, departments, colleges, administrative units, and affiliated groups (groups recognized by CSUSM offering direct service or support to the CSUSM community); recognized faculty and staff committees and boards; CSU Chancellor and Trustees; and recognized CSUSM civic groups formed to aid CSUSM students. This includes the Alumni Association and the Faculty / Staff Retiree Association.
Off Campus Groups
Off Campus Organizations – all other off campus groups and individuals whose events are consistent with the mission and purpose of CSUSM; Community members scheduling facilities for any off-campus professional organization; Commercial filming – all professional, independent and non-CSUSM student film production entities reserving facilities for the purpose of filming.
Private Use
Off campus and campus community users (including students, faculty, staff, or alumni) scheduling facilities for private, non-professional, non-campus related programs and activities.
The USU Administration, in accordance with the mission and policies of CSUSM, reserves the right to determine the category that best fits the user or user group.
- First Priority – based on the definitions above, these groups may submit reservation requests up
to 14 months in advance of the date of the event or meeting (alphabetically listed):
- Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
- Recognized Student Organizations
- Student Leadership & Involvement Center (SLIC), Student Life Center, Campus Recreation, the University Student Union, the Dean of Students Office and Campus Dining, for events in support of Student Life
- CSUSM Office of the President
- Second Priority – based on definitions above, groups that may submit reservation requests up to 13 months in advance of the date of the event or meeting
- CSUSM Departments / On Campus Groups / Groups with a formal campus affiliation (institutional membership, groups sponsored by campus department through a formal relationship)
- Third Priority – based on definitions above, groups that may submit reservation requests up to 12 months in advance of the date of the event or meeting
- External groups
- Private, non-campus related use
Recognized Student Organizations, ASI, and Campus Departments and Groups: To request a reservation, visit the online 25Live portal.
- First Priority – based on the definitions above, these groups may submit reservation requests up
to 14 months in advance of the date of the event or meeting (alphabetically listed):
The following apply to all entities requesting space in the USU for their events or meetings:
- All event details should be finalized five (5) business days prior to the event date.
- Reservations are subject to automatic cancellation if the supporting documents and payment are not submitted by the deadlines dates, and if relevant meetings with staff do not take place before the deadline dates.
- Accommodation of changes requested after deadlines are subject to late change fees and based on staff availability and logistics at the time of the request.
- The organization / individual reserving the space must represent the primary organizer of the event.
- The primary organizers must be present at the event to assist in event management and coordination.
- Conference rooms and meeting spaces that are located within a department suite or center will be scheduled by that department or center and may not show as available in 25Live.
- For a reservation spanning multiple months, the request should be separated and submitted per month, including if your event takes place on the same day of each month in the same room at the same time (i.e. – January occurrences on one reservation, February on another, etc.). Requests that do not follow these guidelines will be denied and the Client will be asked to submit a new request.
Student Organizations Reserving Space:
- Officially recognized student organizations requesting space in the USU must do so at least 3 weeks in advance or 6 weeks in advance if vendors and catering is required.
- Recognized student organizations have the access to submit an electronic Request for Facility Use (eRFU) via the Event Portal, 25Live, after both the President and Treasurer complete 25Live training.
- Student Leadership & Involvement Center (SLIC) will train Student Organizations on the eRFU submission and event planning process annually. Once the organization's eRFU account is set up, the officer can request space, per the guidelines outlined in the online E-RFU tutorial. SLIC staff advisors will follow up with student organization officers and identified event planners/coordinators to provide support in planning a successful on-campus event.
- A limit may be placed on the number of reservations a student organization may make for reoccurring events. Notice will be given to all recognized student organizations if this becomes necessary.
- Prior notice must be given to the USU if you need to cancel your room reservation, so the space can be made available for others. Late cancellations or no shows are subject to fees. If a group is requesting / reserving multiple blocks of time and not using them, their series reservations will be canceled, fees may result and they will only be allowed to make single date reservations for the rest of the semester.
- A 5 business day notice is required for any change in event set-up. Any incurred cost due to a late change or cancellation will be the responsibility of the requesting organization.
On-Campus Groups Reserving Space:
- On-campus groups requesting space in the USU must do so at least 3 weeks in advance for all events or 6 weeks in advance if vendors and catering is required.
- Representatives for on-campus groups have the access to submit an eRFU via the 25Live Event Portal, after completing complete 25Live training.
- A 5 business day notice is required for any change in event set-up. Any incurred cost due to a late change or cancellation will be the responsibility of the requesting organization.
Off-Campus Groups Reserving Space:
- All off-campus groups need to visit Events and Conference Services website at http://www.csusm.edu/events
All space requests are considered tentative until they have been confirmed through 25Live. The requestor will receive a confirmation or denial email once the space is assigned. Until such time that an event is confirmed, the requesting group shall refrain from advertising the event to the public or listing the location as the USU.
- A Co-Sponsorship Agreement Form may be requested by USU Administration during the event planning process in order to approve a discounted rate.
- The USU Administration reserves the right to determine which category the event should be associated with.
- When co-sponsors fall into two different fee categories, the room rental rate of the primary organizing entity shall be used to determine the costs. (For example, if a student organization co-sponsors with an off-campus group, and the off-campus group is the primary organizer, the event will be charged at the off-campus rate. If the student organization is the primary organizer, the student rate would apply.)
- No organization or department may reserve space on behalf of another group. Groups may not sell, sublease or transfer their reservation to another group.
- Co-sponsorships are not applicable to private use of the facility (i.e., graduations, weddings, etc.).
- Depending on the nature and scope of the facility use, the user may be required to furnish a certificate of insurance naming CSUSM and additionally insured with a general liability limit of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). Proof of Workers Compensation insurance may also be required. Required certificates should be received by the USU no less than two weeks prior to event date.
- Users agree to indemnify, defend and hold CSUSM and their officers, employees and agents harmless against all claims, loss or liability arising from damage to or destruction of property, injury or death to persons occurring because of or related to their reservations, use of the USU facility or use of equipment.
- Possessory Interest: The County of San Diego Tax Assessor may value the possessory interest created by a space lease, or any subleases. Under California Revenue and Taxation Code section 107, a property interest tax may be levied on that possessory interest. The lessee is obligated to pay this property tax, and failure to do so may be considered a material breach of the lease.
- Unless deemed critical and group is willing to pay extended hour fees, USU facilities will not be available for scheduling during campus closures to allow for major cleaning and routine maintenance.
- Designated rooms and/or spaces within the USU may be placed off-line to accommodate maintenance and cleaning as needed.
- To serve the greatest number of organizations, the USU reserves the right to change any room assignment if necessary to accommodate as many reservations as possible. This will be done based on information provided about the scheduled event and setup needs.
- The USU may cancel any event or modify the extent of services provided in the event of utility interruptions, campus emergencies, and threat of imminent danger, in the interest of public safety or acts of nature.
- Room occupancy levels are set in accordance with State fire regulations and will be enforced by USU staff.
The USU facilities are not to be used for the instructional activities of courses scheduled by the University on a regular basis. Singular requests may be considered, however, departmental usage rates will apply.
In order to ensure access to public spaces, the following spaces generally may not be reserved within the USU:
- Lounges
- USU East and West Pavilion
The following spaces may be reserved, but with limitations as noted below:
- Rooftop Patio
- During the Academic Year (AY), reservations will not be accepted for events held between the hours of 11am – 2pm, Monday – Thursday. Exceptions for events that are open to the entire campus community will be considered and must be approved in advance.
- Reservations for this space outside of the restricted time should be limited to no more than two (2) per semester during the AY, during regular operating hours.
- Any requests for events that extend beyond regular operating hours may be subject to the extended hour’s policy, and require approval based on availability of staff and facilities.
- West Pavilion
- Reservations will not be accepted during regular food service operating hours during the AY. All other requests are subject to approval based on operating needs.
- East Pavilion
- Programs scheduled in this space must be open to the entire campus community, and must be reserved in advance. The reservation is not for closing the space, but for the opportunity to program within the space. Outside groups may not reserve this space during the AY.
- Activity Center
- Reservations will not be accepted during regular operating hours within the AY.
- Any requests beyond regular operating hours (including summer months) will be subject to the extended hours policy (if applicable) and room usage fees, and are subject to approval.
All reservation requests for this space must be a minimum of two hours, and staff will be scheduled and a staff member will be scheduled.
The USU offers an array of event spaces that provide flexible set-up configurations, based on code compliance and equipment inventory. Every location requires some type of service. Custom set-up configurations in any room will be granted on an as available basis. Dependent upon configuration, pre-approval may be needed by State Fire Marshal. Set-up configurations must remain in the same order as when you arrive and as pre-determined in the reservation. The moving and/or changing of furniture inside CSUSM facilities is strictly prohibited.
- Amplified Sound is defined as any sound that is broadcast through electronically amplified equipment, sound that is electronically enhanced (i.e. megaphones) or percussion instruments (i.e. drums, cymbals, etc.).
- Musical performances, sound amplification and other presentations to the public may be scheduled into appropriate areas of the USU with approval. Since sound from musical instruments, solos, groups or from speakers and sound equipment can often be disturbing to others using the building and surrounding campus buildings, such events will be conducted only on a scheduled basis in assigned areas. Before scheduling such an event, consideration will be given to other scheduled activities and to the volume levels involved.
- USU staff reserves the right to request a reduction in volume levels for approved amplified sound events that are disruptive to other uses.
- Outdoor events are subject to CSUSM Amplified Sound Guidelines.
- Limited amplified sound and video equipment is available through the USU. An inventory of audio-visual equipment is included in basic set ups or available on a rental basis.
- Complex events and events scheduled in the USU Ballroom requiring AV support will be charged the hourly rate for the support staff.
- USU AV staff have the responsibility to ensure safety as the top priority in determining the optimal logistic AV plan for events.
- The USU reserves the right to charge for late requests, late changes, or late cancellations of AV/technical equipment, technical services, and labor.
- Event organizers and/or performers who wish to use their own audio-visual equipment must notify the USU at least ten (10) working days in advance. They will also need to fill out the USU AV/IT Liability Release Form provided by their planner/coordinator. An equipment test may be necessary for outside equipment to ensure compatibility and must be scheduled prior to the event. The USU assumes no responsibility for equipment brought into the facility.
- The Amphitheater and USU 2300 A & B at the USU do not have built-in audio-visual equipment. Groups reserving these spaces will either be required to rent the necessary equipment or to ensure that they or their performers bring their own equipment. Both scenarios may require the assistance of the USU technical support staff.
- Audio visual equipment belonging to the USU may only be used on USU premises.
- In order to avoid triggering fire suppression systems, open flames and the burning of any material (including sage and incense) are strictly prohibited within all indoor areas of the USU, including lounges, hallways, meeting rooms and ballroom. Upon approval by the USU Executive Director or designee, open flames and burning of sage and incense may be permitted in exterior spaces, including the Rooftop Patio, terraces, and patios provided it is 10 feet or more from entrances to the interior of the building. Requests should be submitted in writing. See CSUSM campus policy regarding Open Flame on Campus.
- The only exception is the use of a sterno candle lamp for the sole purpose of heating a chafing dish, and this requires direct and constant supervision.
- Any requests outside of this policy must be approved by the USU Administration, the State Fire Marshall and CSUSM Safety, Health, and Sustainability.
- USU property shall generally not be available to individuals or groups for use outside the USU and its related spaces.
- Approval may be granted for:
- USU sponsored and operated activities or events held in non-USU spaces.
- Associated Students, Inc. sponsored and operated activities or events.
- Special events or programs that support the general mission of the USU.
- Deposits may be required, and fees may apply.
- Due to congestion, traffic, and conflict with regular USU building operations, a limited number (20 total) of information table spaces may be available to be reserved by recognized student organizations in the USU Arcade.
- One table with a maximum of two chairs will be allowed. Persons staffing the table are to remain behind it. All materials belonging to the organization or persons staffing the table must be placed on or under the table. Any signs or banners used at the table may be hung from the front of the table or placed (free standing) behind the table. No signs or banners may be affixed to walls or other surfaces.
- All decorations must be constructed of non-flammable materials.
- To ensure safety and guard against property damage, and/or personal injury, decorations may not obstruct entrances and exits and must allow for emergency egress at all times. Decorations cannot cover emergency signs or exits, or be posted in elevators or stairwells.
- Flyers, signs, and posters may be posted on non-wallpaper walls using masking tape (painter’s tape) only.
- The use of rubber cement, cellophane tape, hot glue, nails, paint, thumb tacks, or other materials that might damage the building surfaces are not permitted. A cleaning charge will apply if used, and will be paid by the event client.
- No confetti, glitter, rice, hay, or other small particle substance may be used at any time in the USU. A cleaning charge will apply, and will be paid by the event client.
- Sponsor should remove all decorations or event signage, including tape, at the culmination of the event. Failure to do so may result in additional facility fees.
- The USU does not accept any responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen decorations.
- Damage to the facility due to posting of decorations or signage will be repaired by the USU and charged back to the event client.
Fog/smoke machines or other equipment, which may activate fire alarms, are prohibited in the USU. The USU assumes no responsibility for equipment used at events supplied by the client or another party. The USU reserves the right to deny use of equipment and equipment providers.
- Facility preparation for all events, programs, and meetings occurring on the USU premises is the responsibility of authorized building operations staff.
- Groups reserving USU facilities may not elect to provide their own set up and clean up for the purpose of reducing rents, fees, or other charges.
- For liability reasons, the USU does not loan ladders or hydraulic lifts for any reason. Individuals and/or groups requiring this type of equipment (for decorating, hanging banners, etc.) must make arrangements with the USU Administration at least one week prior to their event date. Equipment is subject to availability. A labor charge will apply and is to be paid by the event client. Only trained USU staff is authorized to operate USU equipment.
- To insure the health and safety of USU customers, only authorized USU staff shall be permitted in areas where set ups, tear downs, or repair and maintenance are in progress.
- If an event requires specific staffing or specialized services, costs associated with staffing or services will be the responsibility of the event client.
- In the event that an outside sound and/or lighting contractor is required to ensure the success of complex events, the event client will be responsible for all applicable charges.
It is the responsibility of the event client to leave all facilities used in their original condition. Facilities that require special cleaning will be cleaned by the USU and charged back to the event client. Special cleaning includes, but is not limited to clearing of excessive trash, boxes, pamphlets and other event supplies; removing flyers, posters, directional signs, anything affixed, attached, or sprayed on windows, doors, and walls; or cleaning up spills and leftover food.
- At least one (1) USU employed Building Lead is required for all events scheduled during times the USU is not regularly scheduled to be open and/or for major events which, due to the nature and complexity of the event, require additional support staff. Building Leads will be assigned and charged to the event starting one half (½) hour prior to the event access time until one half (½) hour after the scheduled end of the event OR the time the last person leaves the facility in order to secure the facility.
- Complex events requiring AV support will be charged the hourly rate for the necessary support staff.
- University Police in consultation with USU Administration may determine that in the interest of public safety, University Police officer(s) and/or Community Service Officers must be present at certain events scheduled in the USU at the expense of the event client.
- The USU Administration or Event and Conference Services will arrange for any security services provided by University Police through the standard event planning process. Groups may not make separate arrangements for security.
- University Catering Services (https://www.csusm.edu/corp/commservices/catering/index.html), University approved caterers, and pre-packaged foods purchased from local vendors (i.e. Ralphs, Costco, etc.) are the preferred methods of providing food at a campus event. Food cannot be prepared off campus, brought to campus, and served to event attendees.
- Catering Requests
- If your event involves food, you must submit the required information with your 25Live request AND use an approved campus caterer. If you propose to use a caterer other than those approved by CSUSM, reservations cannot be confirmed until CSUSM Corporation (Corp) confirms the caterer has been successfully approved. Allow adequate time for this approval.
- The expectation is that rooms will be left as clean as they were found upon the group’s arrival. There may be a fee assessed to events at which food is served and proper cleanup is not completed. Please contact USU staff for appropriate ways to dispose of leftover food.
- Disposal of foods and liquids down drains, sinks, and toilets is prohibited, except for water and ice.
- Caterers other than Campus Dining who require access to the Kitchen must make prior arrangements with Sodexo Dining directly. Proof of such arrangements are required as part of the reservation documentation.
- CSUSM Dining Services is the only organization authorized to engage in the sale of food and beverages within the USU facilities except when expressed written permission is obtained from UARSC.
All groups intending to serve or sell alcohol at an event in the USU must do so in compliance with the “Alcoholic Use on Campus” policy. As a reminder, the presence of alcohol at any event greatly increases the amount of time required to plan an event and obtain the proper approvals.
- The campus policy can be found here: https://csusm.policystat.com/policy/7981803/latest
- The USU permits Student Organizations and campus departments to request hanging banners in select areas of the building. Banners provide a great way to promote organizations and events to campus community members. The USU reserves the right to schedule banners according to the operational needs. Please review the USU Banner Guidelines at http://www.csusm.edu/usu/about/BuildingInfo/banner_form.html
- At this time, banner requests for off campus entities will not be accepted.
- Banners reservation requests must be submitted by completing the online request form https://csusm.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0MJrxE85D1CgrnE
- Banner must be requested two weeks in advance of requested posting date and will be reviewed and confirmed via email.
- USU staff will manage the hanging and removal of all banners.
Commercial solicitation on campus (including the USU) is prohibited unless prior written authorization has been obtained from the University President or designee. Permission for commercial solicitation shall be granted by the University President, subject to regulation as to time, place and manner thereof, unless such solicitation for sale would be in violation of law. Please refer to the CSUSM Commercial Solicitation Policy at https://csusm.policystat.com/policy/7983131/latest
The Student Union Fee is paid by all students enrolled at CSUSM, and is the primary financial support for the USU operations and programs. Fees are used to repay interest and bonds related to construction, personnel to maintain and operate the facility and its programs, landscape maintenance, equipment, programs and activities, and overhead costs such as utilities.
- The room rental fee is based upon the user category, room/space used and the length of time it is reserved.
- CSUSM Student Organizations and Associated Students, Inc.
Recognized student organizations are not charged a room rental fee for use of space in the USU. Set up fees and non-exempt fees will apply (refer to Rate Sheet).
- CSUSM Departments / On-Campus Groups / Groups with a formal campus affiliation
These groups are charged the On-Campus room rental rate for use of space in the USU (refer to rate sheet); non-exempt fees apply (refer to Rate Sheet). Events that 1) are in direct support of campus life AND 2) have more than 50% student attendees may receive student rates; this determination is at the discretion of the USU Administration.
- Off-Campus Organizations
All off-campus groups will be charged for use of space in the USU depending upon the specific space used, length of time the room is reserved, and any non-exempt fee items requested (refer to Rate Sheet).
- Co-sponsorship
Because the USU is primarily funded by student fee dollars, the USU does not recognize co-sponsorship by campus departments of off-campus groups for the purpose of waiving fees. Depending on the nature of the relationship, an on-campus organization or department co-sponsoring an off-campus group’s event may be eligible for reduced room rental rates. Please refer to Rate Sheet for current pricing.
- Other
Any event for which an attendance or enrollment fee is collected is subject to room rental fees as determined by USU Administration in addition to any non-exempt fees.
- Student Organizations, ASI, and On-Campus Groups
- A chargeback number is required upon requesting space in the USU. All charges will be billed to the corresponding chargeback numbers provided.
- Off-Campus Organizations / Private individuals
- Refer to Event and Conference Services policies
- Student Organizations, ASI, and On-Campus Groups
Cancellation of a reservation must be made by the primary contact or an authorized person designated at the time the reservation is originally requested, via the campus approved process. Cancellation in 25Live as well as a courtesy phone call to the USU Administration is appreciated.
- Cancellation of events in the ballroom should be made no later than 7 days in advance.
- Cancellation of events in all other USU spaces should be made no later than 48 hours in advance.
- To avoid a no show charge, event/room cancelations must be communicated prior to the scheduled event. A fee may apply for events not cancelled within the time line above. Cancellations should be made in 25Live and communicated to the USU Administration as appropriate.
- All groups who “no show” will be responsible for a no show charge plus any other incurred charges (set-up/tear down, extended building hours, University Police, Parking, etc.).
- Student organizations and on-campus groups failing to cancel reservations within the specified time frame or who “no show” on more than two (2) occasions within the AY may lose the privilege of using the facilities for one semester. If violations continue, usage may be suspended indefinitely.
Events that require the facility to be accessible beyond its normal operating hours will be charged an extended building hour fee. These charges become guaranteed (10) ten days prior to an event and must be paid regardless if the event is subsequently cancelled.