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Pindi, Ph.D.

Gloria Pindi Nziba, Ph.D. (2015)

Associate Professor of Communication

Phone: 760-750-8552
Office: SBSB 2132

Gloria Pindi Nziba holds a Ph. D. in Communication Studies from Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) and a M.A. in Communication Studies from San Diego State University (SDSU). She also has a Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from SIUC. She grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where she received a B.A. in Communication and Media Studies from the Catholic University of Congo and worked as a teaching assistant.

Dr. Pindi’s research interests are in critical intercultural communication, transnational feminism with an emphasis on Black feminism, ethnographic methods, and cultural performance. She received SIUC’s 2013-2014 Dissertation Research Award for her dissertation titled “Performing Black feminisms in Diasporic Contexts: Sub-Saharan Women Negotiating Identity across Culture.” Her recent scholarship explores the performance of the self in transnational context around issues of globalization, migration, and diaspora with a critical approach to social justice and cultural diversity.

Dr. Pindi has taught a range of courses in both the U.S. and in Africa on critical intercultural communication, media/cultural studies, women and gender studies, and qualitative methods. She has had the opportunity to attend numerous conferences as well as present many papers and panels at a variety of specialized, regional, national, and international outlets in multiple countries and languages. She has served as the 2011-2013 student representative to the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG). Dr. Pindi is committed to social justice and activism at the intersections of communication and African women’s identities. Her activist work has included volunteer work in the DRC and in the United States. She worked with local non-governmental organizations in DRC for the emancipation of female youth and she volunteered at the Women’s Center of Carbondale Illinois.