Next Generation Learning Environment
Next Generation Learning Management Systems explores opportunities and limitations of new platforms that open up access via mobile platforms, promote active contributions, and facilitate faculty tasks.
- LMS and other technologies that open up access, are mobile friendly, promote active student contributions, and facilitate faculty tasks
- Likely cloud hosted and based upon open standards
- Personalized tools and information
- Faculty and Learning Analytics
- Seamless interoperability with campus systems and other product extensions
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Collaboration
- Open tools
- Interoperability (seamless)
- Personalization for faculty and staff - student analytics
Campus Connection
- University Library
- Academic Success Center
- Centers for Learning and Academic Support Services
- Academic progress (outcomes)
What is IITS already doing related to Next Generation?
- Learning Mangement System
- Zoom
- Mobile App
- Office 365 integration
- Media creation curation
- Analytics for faculty
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Next Generation?
- Faculty Center
- Students
- University Library
- Academic Senate
- Vendors
- Disabled Student Services (DSS)
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Next Generation surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Cloud services
- Integration
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Security
- Portfolios
- Ongoing access - provisioning and de-provisioning
- Less reliance on traditional school academic calendar for starts and stops of courses
- Learning Mangement System - open to world
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Next Generation needs, if adopted?
- Student voices (more apparent)
- Faculty adaption
- Universal Design
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Vendors
- CSU Collaborations
- Model class after what/how student responded in past