Course Descriptions
KINE 110 (1) Yoga
The history, philosophy, and modern practice of yoga, with an emphasis on hatha yoga
(physical yoga postures). May not be taken for credit by students who have received
credit for PE 211. This class meets the physical education requirement for Liberal
Studies majors. May be repeated for a total of four (4) units. Graded Credit/No Credit.
KINE 200 (1) First Aid and Safety
Acquaints the individual with emergency first aid procedures. Included in the subject
matter will be wounds, splinting, burns, rescue, breathing, diabetes, epilepsy, heart
failure, stroke and environmental emergencies. Each student will have the opportunity
to acquire his/her certificate in Community First Aid and Safety. This course is
taught by a certified American Red Cross instructor.
KINE 201 (1) CPR and AED
The Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers course covers core material
such as adult and pediatric CPR (including two-rescue scenarios and use of the bag
mask), foreign-body airway obstruction, and automated external defibrillation (AED).
At the completion of this course, students will have the opportunity to become certified
in BLS under the guidelines set forth by the American Heart Association. Course may
be repeated once in order to maintain certification.
KINE 202 (3) Introduction to Physical Education and Kinesiology
Designed for first year and transfer students interested in the physical education
profession. The goals of this course are to aid in the prospective majors in their
career choices, to introduce students into fields closely related to exercise and
nutritional sciences, to introduce students to current issues in exercise sciences,
and to introduce students to key events and concepts in the evolution of exercise
science as a discipline and as a profession. Enrollment restricted to Kinesiology
and Pre-Kinesiology majors.
KINE 204 (3) Techniques and Analysis of Fitness and Weight Training
Knowledge and understanding needed to plan and implement fitness and weight training
programs. Analysis of the development, maintenance, implementation, and self-evaluation
of physical fitness. Implementation of methods, techniques, instructional strategies,
safety factors, motivation and necessary equipment for teaching physical fitness and
weight training. Instruction and techniques in individual skills and strategies in
weight training; also includes instruction on stretching for flexibility and injury
prevention. Two hours lecture, three hours activity.
KINE 301 (4) Motor Control and Learning with Laboratory
Principles of motor control and skill acquisition, with an emphasis on relevance to
sport, rehabilitation, physical education, human factors and performance. Specific
topics include: properties of moving segmented systems; musculoskeletal physiology;
basic control systems theory; organization of the nervous system; capabilities and
limitations of neural compensations; interactions between neural and musculoskeletal
systems; development of motor function; neurophysiological principles of learning;
principles of effective learning at the behavioral level; principles for maximizing
performance. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 302 (3) Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries with Laboratory
Examines the recognition, evaluation, and care of athletic injuries, including techniques
in taping, prevention and rehabilitation of injuries. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 303 (3) Statistics and Research Methods
Principles and techniques of construction, organization, administration, interpretation
and evaluation of measuring devices used in kinesiology. Includes critical evaluation
of data using basic statistical techniques and an evaluation of research design in
kinesiology-related studies. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 304 (3) Adapted Physical Education
Designed to prepare Kinesiology majors to meet the physical activity program needs
of persons with disabilities. Designed to understand the etiology and characteristics
of persons with mental, physical, emotional, sensory, health, learning and/or multiple
impairments. Understand when it is appropriate to successfully integrate the disabled
individual into the physical education mainstream. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 305 (4) Movement Anatomy with Laboratory
Designed to help students gain an in depth understanding of the musculoskeletal and
neuromuscular systems. Muscle origins, insertions, and actions will be covered to
help students develop foundational understanding of muscle function and joint movement.
Muscle groups and their functional relationships will be presented with application
to simple mechanical principles for the purposes of analyzing joint and fullbody motion
as it pertains to human movement in sports, exercise, and activities of daily living.
Special emphasis will be placed on posture, gait, and movement screening, with the
goal being to help students identify incorrect posture and movement patterns and the
possible reasons for each. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 306 (3) Exercise, Fitness and Health
Examines the relationship between an active lifestyle and health and the prevention
of chronic disease through positive lifestyle choices. Includes in-depth evaluation
of personal fitness levels and dietary intake. (Fulfills GE Area E Lifelong Learning
for all students)
KINE 310 (3) Social and Emotional Health
Adventure teambuilding for the purpose of heightening both intra- and inter-personal
relationships. The art and science behind discovering social and affective attributes
about self and others. Includes an off-campus community field experience at local
K-12 public schools. Includes weekly movement activities that require student participation.
(Fulfills GE Area E Lifelong Learning for all students)
KINE 311 (4) Movement Pedagogy with Laboratory
The critique, design, instruction, implementation, and evaluation of sport pedagogy
curriculum and teaching methodologies. Subjects include various types of sport pedagogy
curriculum models, evidence-based instructional practices, and the application of
such content within various movement settings. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 316 (3) Stress Management
This course identifies the physiological, physiological, emotional and behavioral
aspects of stress. The body's hormonal and neurological response in times of extreme
emotion and the severe health consequences of these responses will be discussed. A
variety of stress-reduction techniques and biofeedback methods will be taught and
practiced. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 318 (3) Sport, Games, and Culture
Examines the various roles and implications of play, games, and sport in the contemporary
world from a variety of academic disciplines. These include historical development
of sport and their informing period philosophies, political economies, and socio-cultural
influences with a focus on the everyday usage of sport. Psychological performance
modalities of modern sport and the role(s) of and behavioral studies as they apply
to participation and passive consumption will be explored. (Fulfills GE Area DD for all students)
KINE 326 (4) Introductory Exercise Physiology with Laboratory
An introduction to the physiology of exercise. A description of cardiovascular,
pulmonary, muscular, endocrine, neural, and metabolic responses to acute and chronic
exercise. Addresses body composition and clinical exercise physiology. Three hours
of lecture and three hours of laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 336 (3) Nutrition for Health and Exercise Performance
Applies fundamental biological and nutritional concepts to enhance wellness and athletic
performance via nutritional intervention. Students will review current literature
and examine products designed to increase performance. Activity and dietary recalls
will serve as the basis for individualizing nutritional programs. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 390 (3) Topics in Kinesiology
Selected Topics in the field of Kinesiology. May be repeated for credit as topics
change for a total of six (6) units. Students should check the Class Schedule for
listing of actual topics. Enrollment restricted to Kinesiology majors.
KINE 404 (3) Introduction to Epidemiology
This is an introductory course in the basic study of the risk factors for disease
in populations. The emphasis of the couse is to understand the methodology of the
public health research, and how evidence-based medicine is used to determine optimal
treatment in approaches to clinical practice. The course provides instruction in both
observational and structured methodologies often used in epidemiological research.
Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 405 (3) Health and Drug Education
An examination of the philosophical, ethical, and theoretical foundations of the professional
practice of health and drug education in school, community, worksite, and hospital
settings. Emphasis on the importance of health behavior as a contributor to current
public health problems, as well as the role of health and drug education and health
promotion in addressing these problems. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202, PSYC 100.
KINE 406 (3) Stress Testing and Exercise Prescription
Practical and theoretical knowledge surrounding the various modes and protocols used
in graded exercise testing, muscular strength/fitness testing, and exercise prescription
based on test results in healthy and diseased populations. Includes an in-depth examination
of electrocardiography and a brief introduction to pharmacology. Prerequisite: KINE 326 with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
KINE 407 (3) Principles of Health Promotion and Education
This course provides an overview of the breadth of programs and the diversity of settings
in the field of health education in health promotion. Explains the importance of health
behavior as a contributor to current public health problems and the role of health
education and health promotion programs in addressing them. Explores the concepts
and skills required for carrying out effective health education programs in a variety
of different settings, including school, community, health care, and worksite settings.
Also discusses issues of ethical standards and quality assurance in health education
and health promotion. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202; Corequisites: KINE 303.
KINE 408 (3) Physical Education for Diverse Populations
Designed to prepare Kinesiology majors to meet the physical activity program needs
of persons with disabilities. Covers the etiology and characteristics of persons with
mental, physical, emotional, sensory, health, learning and/or multiple impairments.
Examines issues of gender, ethnicity/culture, health, class/socio-economic status,
disability, religion, and homophobia within the context of physical education, physical
activity, and sport. May not be taken for credit by students who received credit for:KINE 304.Enrollment
Restrictions:Enrollment restricted to Kinesiology majors or students in the Physical
Education Minor. Must have junior or senior standing to enroll.
KINE 415 (3) Eating Disorders and Weight Control in Sports
An introduction to the definition, health consequences, prevalence, risk factors,
and management and treatement strategies of weigth issues leading to clinical and
subclinical disorders in sport. Discusses healthy weight management practices for
athletes. Reviews current peer-reviewed research on topics related to athlete eating
disorders, disordered eating, and the Female Athlete Triad. Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202.
KINE 425 Biomechanics of Human Movement with Laboratory
Principles of mechanics applied to anatomical structure, function and gross motor
movements. The mechanics of selected implements and mechanical systems. The analysis
of selected motor skills and application. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory.
Prerequisites: BIOL 104, BIOL 177, BIOL 178, KINE 202, MATH 125 or 160; Corequisites:
KINE 303.
KINE 427 (3) Assessment and Programming for Healthy Aging with Laboratory
Assessment of cardiovascular, motor, and cognitive health in older adults. Design
of programs to engage older adults in the community setting, addressing cardiovascular,
musculoskeletal, motor, and cognitive function. Delivery of community-based programs
off-campus. May not be taken for credit by students who have received credit for KINE 390-9.
Prerequisites: KINE 301 or KINE 305 or KINE 326.
KINE 426 (3) Exercise Physiology and Special Populations
An in-depth study of changes that occur due to acute and chronic exercise and the
influence of disease on these processes. Examines human bioenergetics, fuel metabolism,
body composition, and neuromuscular, endocrine, and cardiorespiratory physiology with
an emphasis on differences across individuals. Prerequisite: 326.
KINE 495A (1) 495B (2) 495C (3) Internship in Kinesiology
Practical application of principles related to Kinesiology in a 90-hour internship
approved by student's faculty advisor. Graded credit/no credit or report in progress (RP). May be repeated once for credit.
Enrollment restricted to Kinesiology majors with Senior standing in last year of Program
who have obtained consent of their faculty advisor.
KINE 499A (1) 499B (2) 499C (3) 499D (4) 499E (5) 499F (6)
Independent Study in Kinesiology
Students participate in faculty-driven and/or independent research projects in Kinesiology.
May be repeated for a total of six (6) units towards the major. Graded credit/no credit
with report in progress (RP). Enrollment restricted to Kinesiology majors who have
obtained consent of instructor.