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Dr. Sean Newcomer

My passion for surfing began at the age of five on the beaches of Cardiff-by-the Sea.  Little did I know then that this passion would someday become the focus of both my Master's thesis entitled: "Aerobic Capacity of Humboldt County Male Surfers" and my research endeavors at CSUSM.  In the past my research at CSUSM has focused on characterizing the physiological requirements of participating in recreational surfing across the lifespan.  In addition, research projects investigating the impact of surf equipment on paddling efficiency, oxygen uptake, heart rate, thermoregulation, and mechanics (in collaboration with Dr. Nessler) are currently underway in our outdoor surf laboratory.  These projects are funded by our collaborators in surf industry and are carried out by undergraduates as part of their Kinesiology curriculum at CSUSM. 


Exercise Study at CSUSM

Are you between the ages of 18-45 and consider yourself a runner? You may be eligible to participate in an Exercise Study at CSUSM!

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact that sun exposure has on sweating during aerobic exercise. On two separate  days, you will be asked to perform treadmill running exercise(s) for 45 minutes in sun or shade. Prior to and after exercise, body weight will be measured to determine how much weight you have lost through sweating. We expect that you will be in the research study for approximately 90 minutes each of the two study days.

You will receive $80 in gift cards as compensation for your participation in this study.

For more information, text or email Kate Carlson
(608) 333-1577