Dr. Matt Schubert
Dr. Schubert is an exercise physiologist with broad interests in exercise, nutrition, and metabolism. He is the Director of the Metabolism and Applied Physiology Laboratory (MAPL). Our lab is interested in studying the impact of various interventions on metabolism and health. Prior research has examined the influence of caffeine on rest and exercise metabolism. Current work, funded by the California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB), is investigating whether cannabis users have altered responses to high-fat meals (milkshakes) and whether prior exercise influences this effect. Future research will continue to explore the health of cannabis users, co-users of cannabis and tobacco, and the influence of acute versus chronic cannabis use on markers of health. We actively collaborate with Dr. Armenta, Dr. Feairheller, Dr. Newcomer, Dr. Nessler, and Dr. Schmidt in the Department of Kinesiology and have other collaborators across the University, California, the US, and the world. Dr. Schubert is the co-creator of the Sport, Physical Activity, Cannabis, and Exercise Research Interest Group (SPACE RIG) that meets quarterly to discuss cannabis research as it relates to exercise and includes members from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. When not teaching or conducting research, you can find Dr. Schubert riding his road (Flaming Hot Chester) or gravel (Checkpoint Charlie) bikes or hanging with his dog Daisy and cats Apple and Roscoe.
Office: University Hall 326
Fall 2023 Student Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10-12 or by appointment
MAPL lab meetings Wednesdays at 11:30 in the KINE Suite (University Hall 322)
If interested in interning in MAPL or conducting graduate work, contact Dr. Schubert via e-mail at mschubert@csusm.edu