Thesis Requirements
The LTWR Master’s thesis is a minimum of 25 pages in length. The format of the thesis can be critical, creative, or hybrid (critical-creative). All options for the thesis require original work, relevant to the field of study, that is of high quality, heavily revised, and in the form of and suitable for peer-reviewed publication. LTWR Theses are orally defended in a public forum near the end of the semester. Please see the Graduate Handbook for more detailed information regarding the Thesis Proposal and how to form your Thesis Committee.
The Thesis Proposal
Writing a Thesis
- Creative Thesis Guidelines
- Are you A Stuck Writer? How to Get Started!
- Stop Practicing Avoidance and begin writing!
Thesis Submission
NB: When you are approaching the thesis defense, contact Nicole Mendez, the Department's Academic Coordinator, for assistance in preparing official pages that must be inserted into the document before submission to the library. These must be done exactly to University specifications or the library will not accept the thesis.