What Can I Do with a LTWR Degree?
Literature & Writing Studies majors become teachers, political speechwriters, poets, technical writers, web developers, novelists, advertising writers, business owners, magazine editors, freelance writers, Peace Corps volunteers, grant writers, rock musicians, seminarians, scriptwriters, librarians, and more!
Literature and Writing Studies majors are hot commodities, because they can:
- read analytically
- think critically
- write clearly
- interpret and summarize written and visual texts
- conduct research and prepare abstracts, arguments, and reports
- make technical texts accessible to the non-expert
- articulate their own opinions and listen to those of others
- help others to read, think, and write more effectively
- contribute to scholarly, business, and civic conversations.
A human relations executive at a world-wide, Fortune 500 accounting and consulting business stated recently that he and his firm actively recruit Literature and Writing Studies majors for their critical thinking and communication skills, because--unlike business skills—these could not be provided through company training.
We live in an "Information Age" that demands frequent and fluent communication through all forms of media as well as personal interaction. EVERYTHING is affected by verbal ability. Effective writing and speaking are essential to business, the media, and contemporary culture as a whole.
The rise of the Internet has made more companies than ever before demand the skills you develop as a Literature and Writing Studies major. The core skills of effective communication are adaptable to industry trends and retain their value over time.
Graduate and Professional Study with a Degree in Literature and Writing Studies:
Graduate school acceptances for our alumni include programs in English, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Education, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Literacy Studies, Philosophy, and Rhetoric -- at schools including Cornell, Notre Dame, Penn State, SDSU, Cal Western, George Mason University, CSUSM, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UCSD, UC Santa Barbara, USC, and U Wisconsin. Others used the B.A. in LTWR as the stepping stone to an MBA or MD.
Career Possibilities with a Degree in Literature and Writing Studies:
CSUSM LTWR majors use the degree’s pre-professional training in effective thinking, reading, research, writing, and speaking as essential skills for a range of careers including business management; marketing; editing; journalism; creative and technical writing; corporate communications; public relations; healthcare; social work; teaching; government work; and banking. Our alumni also include professionals who returned to get a B.A. in LTWR for career enhancement, retraining, or lifelong learning.
Professional Internships before graduation add experience to your resume, open future doors, and find out if a career path is really for you. Check with the CSUSM Career Center for more information, or for help writing your resume and conducting a job search. Start early: take advantage of FREE services that may cost you hundreds after graduation.
Check out this article by Scott Jaschik about why humanities majors make great employees!