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Staff Center Newsletter

Staff Center newsletters are published on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, with the exception of December.  Only one issue is published on the 2nd Wednesday.

Would you like to receive our newsletters? Send us an email and we will add you to our mailing list. 

Newsletter Submissions

Do you have an event or announcement you would like to share with our staff? You can request that your event or announcement be added to a future newsletter by filling out our submission request form. Be sure to review our guidelines and tips section below.

Guidelines/Tips for submissions


  • Deadline for submissions is five business days before publication.
  • Submissions must align with the Staff Center's mission and vision.
  • We are unable to accept submissions of a personal nature.
  • Submissions will only be accepted for department sponsored events and announcements.
  • Reach out to us if you have any questions.

Completing a submission form does not guarantee approval of inclusion in newsletter. 


  • Headers should be catchy, when possible, and short.
  • Descriptions should be limited to 1-2 short sentences (about 20-25 words).
  • Create a webpage to link to when there is additional information readers may need to know.
  • You are strongly encouraged to submit a photo. It is an easy way to bring the reader's eye to your post.
  • For events and general announcements photo may be submitted. Photos should be of people or buildings. Please avoid using graphics.
    • Small photo (264x264 pixels)
    • Large header sized photo (564x200 pixels)
  • Photos should be submitted using the pixel sizes above. We can accept PNG and JPG files.