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Staff Center Committee

The Staff Center Committee is made up of a broad representation of staff groups on campus. Feel free to direct questions and feedback to your staff representative or to the Staff Center directly at

The CSUSM Staff Center Committee has three primary charges: 

  1. Serve as advocates for our non-MPP staff and help the Center stay current on issues by sharing potential shifts in the needs of our staff and challenges they are facing that the Center can help address.
  2. Serve as ambassadors for the Center by educating others about the services and resources the Center offers.
  3. Recommend Center services, which may include providing opportunities for social interactions, networking, peer support, professional development, and wellness programs.
  4. Participate and engage in Center events.

Current Committee Members

Center/Committee Representatives


Committee Member


Staff Center Susan O'Connor Director
CSUSM Corporation Representative
Representing Committee Member Title
CSUSM Corporation  Dorothy Davis Executive Assistant
Division Representatives
Representing Committee Member Title
Academic Affairs Anna Moyer James Administrative Analyst
Office of Undergraduate Studies
Finance & Administrative Services Noella Richer Operations & Work Control Analyst,
Facilities Development and Management
Office of the President TBD  
Student Affairs Erica Cullwell Technology Coordinator, Career Center
University Advancement Juliana Rodriguez

Administrative Assistant for Development

Faculty Staff Association Representatives
Representing Committee Member Title
APIDA FSA Kelli Urabe Vice President
BFSA Kevane Coleman President
LAFS Alexa Diaz President
Pride FSA Brian Barry Contributing Member
Staff Union Representatives
Representing Committee Member Title
CSUEU Vanessa Vincent President
Mike Geck Chief Steward
APC Nicolas Morales Chapter Steward
Teamsters TBD  
SUPA Chris Meuller President
Human Resources
Representing Committee Member Title
AVP Human Resources Erika Gravett AVP, HR & Payroll Services
Ad Hoc Members
Committee Member Title
Jason Eberwein Content Management Administrator, IITS Web Technology
Margarita Robles Assistant to the Dean, Extended Learning
Tina Querido Business Office Coordinator, Event and Conference Services