Your  Account:
College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Administrative information

University Administration

Human Resources Sign-in process: All new instructors must sign in at Human Resources as soon as possible. Please do not wait until classes have started. They are located adm 1200.  In order to provide more efficient service to the campus, Human Resources is requesting all new hire paperwork processing/sign-ins be done during the following times: Monday- Thursday 8:00 am- 1:00 pm Other times available by requesting an appointment via email to Please visit Sign in Process for more information on requirements for signing in.

Network Logon and Password:  Once you have signed in with HR, your Campus ID will be generated and become your computer/email logon and you will be able to set a password. These will be necessary to access classroom projectors, rosters, etc. The Campus ID generation process can take a while so please sign in with HR as soon as possible!

Email: You will be given a campus email account – the account should be used for all correspondence with students. You can access Webmail through the CSUSM website ( under the Faculty & Staff tab or at If you have not already received your username and password you will need to go to the Faculty/Staff Helpdesk located in Kellogg Library Room 2013.  It is very important that you check this email on a daily basis. Messages that relate to faculty issues will be posted to this address. It is University policy that faculty do not set up automatic forwarding of their faculty accounts for privacy/FERPA reasons. If you have trouble with your password or email you can also call the help desk at (760) 750-4790.

Parking: Unfortunately, there is NO grace period for parking and CSUSM does not recognize any other university or college parking passes. Please obtain your parking permit from the Parking Office which is located at the Public Safety Building – visit CSUSM Parking Information for more info.

University Identification Card: Go to Kellogg Library 2nd floor, Suite 2100 for Campus Picture ID Card

Departmental Administration

Copying - You may use the copier in SCI1 (in room 312) or SCI2 (outside room 135). Amy will be providing you with a four digit code for copying exams and handouts. Please help us watch our budget by reducing unnecessary printing such as lecture notes etc. that can be posted online for students to print. We monitor each person’s use so please be aware of the number of copies you make per month.

Office Hours: Your office will be located in SCI2 Room 113, SCI2 Room 121, SCI 2 Room 129 or SBSB 2130. The university requires one hour per course. Please provide Amy with your preference and office hours as soon as possible so that she can assign an office for you. To request a room for office hours, use Adjunct Office Hour Request Form or e-mail the request to Amy. The hours are not guaranteed as we continue to grow as a department; we will try to accommodate everyone’s request.

Keys: Amy will send you an email when your keys for the adjunct offices are ready for you to pick up from the University services Building located across from the Parking and commuter services building.    

Physical Mail Box: You have a mailbox in SCI 2, outside of Room 135 or SCI 1 Rm. 213. Please check it regularly. This is where you will receive all campus mail including your contract the first day of class and student evaluation forms at the end of the semester.     

Paycheck: Provide Amy with a current mailing address if you wish to have your check mailed. Otherwise you may pick up your paycheck from Amy during office hours any time AFTER 1:30 P.M. on paydays. She will have your paycheck for 5 days from the date that checks are issued. Your check will be returned to Cougar Central/Cashier’s office after the 5 days for you to pick up. Payments are spread out over a six-month period for each semester of work.  For a schedule of paydays and payment schedules go to Payroll Services Webpage.

Syllabi: All classes must have a syllabus that is in compliance with the University Course Syllabi policy. Please provide Amy an electronic copy of your syllabus no later than the third week of class.  Course syllabi are then forwarded to Academic Programs.

Course webpages: CSUSM course webpages are at The campus uses a Moodle-based learning management system, which is called Cougar Courses (CC).  Each course usually already has a blank container to which you will be given access.  You can find plenty of training resources and help guides (including getting started) for using CC at the website under the faculty how-to tab.   You can be given temporary access with a personal email and password to your CC container until you receive your official campus logon i.d. and password (will be same as for email).  Please contact the chair for assistance with temporary passwords. : Class rosters, grade entry, and permission codes: CSUSM uses a web-based system called Peoplesoft for access to class rosters, grade submissions, and permission codes (which students need to add a course after the semester begins). Peoplesoft can be accessed from MyCSUSM. IITS also offers self-training. Use your campus user ID and password (CSUSM email account). If you have any problems with your username and password you will need to go in person to the Faculty/Staff Help Desk located on the second floor of Kellogg Library in Room 2013. 

Academic Calendar: Please there are many dates and deadlines listed on this calendar that apply to adding and dropping classes. Also please pay particular attention to the due date for inputting grades. If you are teaching a lab, but grades are associated with the lecture taught by another person, then please work with that person to get them the student scores from your lab section well in advance of the grade due deadline – do not wait until the grade due deadline to send them the scores. If you miss the deadline you will have to submit a grade change form for each student.  Please refer to the Final Exam Schedule each Semester.

Lecturer Evaluations:  The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) requires us to evaluate your performance as an instructor. There is both a University and College document outlining the evaluation policy. Within 14 days of the start of each semester, you will be sent details and dates for the evaluation process, along with copies of the evaluation policies.  The frequency, depth and timing of the evaluations depends on your contract status (one-semester, one-year, three-year and part- or full-time). Student evaluations are required for all lecturers and will become part of your Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) if you are required to submit one. So please make sure to hand out the student evaluations (see below), and submit the requested documents. Failure to submit required documents may result in either the department chair, performance review committee,  or CSTEM associate dean having to mark you unsatisfactory resulting in termination.

Student Evaluations: You should receive evaluations to pass out to the students in your class around three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Instructions for completing these evaluations are included in the packets. If you do not receive a packet of student evaluations for each class that you are teaching please contact Amy. Student evaluations are requirement for each class. Your personal evaluation and the possibility of rehire are contingent upon these evaluations.