College Coordinating Committee
Charge and Bylaws
(amended January 2022)
The College Coordinating Committee (CCC) shall represent the CEHHS faculty and staff
in coordinating the governance of the CEHHS and in advising and making recommendations
to the Dean on college- wide policy and direction. The Dean shall provide the CCC
with information necessary to make these evaluations and recommendations. The primary
duties of the CCC are
to: draft, revise, and implement the strategic plan of the CEHHS and to facilitate
and steer the operational business matters of the CEHHS. Responsibilities of the CCC
include but are not restricted to the following:
Advising and consulting with the Dean on College matters such as
- College strategic plan and three-year rolling plans
- Aligning College priorities with resource and budget allocations
- Administrative policies and procedures
- College governance and mission
- Academic planning, curriculum development and evaluation
- Standards for and maintenance of a high level of professional conduct
Receiving recommendations from committees and community members for further action - Proposing changes to the CEHHS Governance Bylaws
The membership of the CCC shall be comprised of one elected faculty member from each
of the seven academic units (i.e. Schools/Departments: SoE, SoN, HD, KINE, PH, SLP,
SW), the elected Chair and Vice Chair of the CCC, the standing committee chairs, two
elected staff members (from different units within the CEHHS), and the Dean, Associate
Dean and Assistant Dean of the
CEHHS. Voting members of the CCC shall be the seven elected faculty members from each
of the seven academic units and the two elected staff members. The Chair and Vice
Chair of the CCC, the standing committee chairs and the Dean, Associate Dean and Assistant
Dean of Student Services of the College shall be non-voting members.
Faculty members elected as voting members may also serve as a standing committee chair.
Each of the schools/departments of CEHHS shall have representation on the committee
and will have a single equally weighted vote on the CCC. Vacant seats may only be
filled by a member of the school/department that holds that seat. Should a vacancy
or vacancies result in an uneven number of votes, the Vice Chair of the CCC will be
the tiebreaker.
The Chair of the CCC will convene the CCC on a regular basis in order to review and
implement the strategic plan, coordinate the flow of business from committees, advise
the Dean’s Office on ad hoc matters, and enhance communication between faculty, staff
and students, and the administration. In addition to the regular Standing Committees,
the CCC may create ad hoc or
special committees for specific purposes.
As well, the Dean may ask the Chair of the CCC to convene the College Coordinating
Committee for purposes of discussing the possible need for ad hoc committees (e.g.,
Task Forces). The CCC shall either appoint members to the ad hoc committee under discussion
or shall arrange for the
election of representatives to the ad hoc committee.