Committee for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
Charge and Bylaws
The charge of the Committee for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity is to make recommendations to the Dean regarding policy, programs, curriculum, services, recruitment, and retention to obtain equitable outcomes.
4.1 The voting members of the CIDE shall be seven faculty and two staff: one member representing each of the seven units of CEHHS (SOE, SON, HD, KINE, PH, SLP, SW), who are elected by the faculty within their respective units. Staff members are elected by CEHHS staff. Student members will be nominated by the department chairs and directors and the current members of CIDE will elect two student members from those nominated.
4.2 Ex officio, non-voting members shall include the Dean or designee(s).
4.3 Committee members from faculty and staff shall serve staggered terms of two years. Student members will serve a year-long term.
4.4 Each Fall, the CIDE shall review, revise, and solicit recommendations from the CEHHS community regarding changes/additions to the diversity portion of the college strategic plan. The CIDE will also make recommendations to the Dean regarding the CEHHS response to policies, issues or concerns related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
4.5 On an ad hoc basis, at the request of the Dean or at its own behest, the CIDE may provide advice to the Dean’s Office on any matter of long-term CEHHS planning, development, and/or resource allocation, working in consultation with other standing CEHHS committees, as necessary and advisable.
4.6 The committee will disseminate information and policy updates regarding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the college as needed.
4.7 Quorum for CIDE will be defined as the attendance of at least 50% of the currently filled seats on the committee.