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Lecturer Advisory Council

The Mission of the Lecturer Advisory Committee:

The purpose of the College of Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS) Lecturer Advisory Council (LAC) is to identify and provide needed resources and supports to lecturers.  The LAC aims to encourage and enhance communication among lecturers and departmental, college, and university staff and faculty members to ensure a positive and productive teaching and/or supervisory experience.

Charge and Bylaws

The charge of the CEHHS Lecturer Advisory Committee is to identify and provide needed resources and support to CEHHS lecturers. This is important due to the high percentage of lecturers within CEHHS and the professional scope and specializations of the college’s programs compared to the university at large. The LAC aims to encourage and enhance communication among lecturers and departmental, college, and university staff and faculty members to ensure a positive and productive teaching and/or supervisory experience for lecturers.

Through the collaboration and support with the CEHHS Dean, LAC makes recommendations to the Dean’s Office concerning lecturer policies, awards, and related activities; supports the College in developing/revising, as necessary, the CEHHS Lecturer Evaluation policy and procedures; and promotes the mentoring of lecturer faculty. LAC shall meet bi-monthly in the fall and spring semesters.

5.1 The voting members of the LAC shall be seven faculty: one member representing each of the seven units of CEHHS (SOE, SON, HD, KINE, PH, SLP, SW), who are elected by the faculty within their respective units.

5.2 Ex officio, non-voting members shall include CEHHS Associate Dean. LAC ex officio members can also include one current CEHHS student (either undergraduate or graduate).

5.3 Committee members shall serve staggered terms of two years. After a term is served a committee member may serve for an additional two-years, provided there are no other lecturers from their department willing to serve.

5.4 The LAC shall support lecturer faculty within CEHHS by serving as mentors to lecturers through the sharing of resources, information, and knowledge about processes and procedures unique to their department, and to the larger College and University. Activities include:

5.4.1 Development and maintenance of a Lecturer Handbook for each

Department/School within CEHHS in collaboration with the department chair/school director;

5.4.2 Development and maintenance of a lecturer listserv for all lecturers within CEHHS.

5.5 The LAC shall advocate for resources and opportunities specific to lecturers within the College and the larger University. Activities include:

5.5.1 Establish and promote professional development funds for lecturers who engage in any of the following professional development activities: continuing education classes that result in advancement of knowledge and teaching skills (CEU’s); engagement in CEHHS and/or university shared governance activities; research presentations at professional conferences.

5.6 The LAC shall consider issues that affect the well-being and success of lecturer faculty and, as needed, put forward ideas and draft policies/procedures that enhance the effectiveness of lecturer faculty in the College.

5.7 The CEHHS LAC shall maintain relationships with other LACs and groups that represent lecturers throughout the University in an effort to share information relevant to lecturers.