Faculty Development & Policy Committee
Charge and Bylaws
The charge of the Faculty Development and Policy Committee (FDPC) is to make recommendations to the Dean concerning faculty development policies, grants, awards, and related activities; to develop or revise, as necessary, the CEHHS RTP policy and procedures; and to promote the mentoring of faculty.
3.1 The voting members of the FDPC shall be seven faculty: one member representing each of the seven units of CEHHS (SOE, SON, HD, KINE, PH, SLP, SW), who are elected by the faculty within their respective units.
3.2 Ex officio, non-voting members shall include the Dean or his/her designee(s).
3.3 Committee members shall serve staggered terms of two years.
3.4 The FDPC shall promote and establish the generation of resources and opportunities on behalf of faculty development and call for applications for intra-CEHHS grants in support of research and pedagogy (when available).
3.5 The FDPC shall review and evaluate intra-CEHHS grant applications and shall recommend the names of awardees to the Dean.
3.6 The FDPC shall develop and maintain clearly articulated, published standards for teaching, scholarly/creative activity, and service for use in the CEHHS retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP) evaluation process. Amendments to the CEHHS RTP document proposed by FDPC shall be adopted by majority vote of all tenure-track faculty across the college.
3.7 The FDPC shall support faculty by coordinating with and promoting activities of the Faculty Center and the Office of Graduate Studies and Research; assist in the orientation of new faculty to the CEHHS; and support faculty in their review processes at the faculty members’ discretion.
3.8 The FDPC shall consider issues that affect the well-being and success of faculty and shall, as needed, put forward initiatives and policies that enhance the effectiveness of faculty in CEHHS.
3.9 FDPC shall develop, revise and review policies related to faculty, including but not limited to RTP, roles and responsibilities of leadership positions and department chairs and make a recommendation to the Dean.