CEHHS Interprofessional Education
What is IPE?
“Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. Once students understand how to work interprofessionally, they are ready to enter the workplace as a member of the collaborative practice team” (World Health Organization, 2010, p. 10).
Why IPE?
A number of CEHHS programs are interested in and/or require the professional practice of Interprofessional Education and IPE programs support:
- Shared Expertise
- Grant Funding
- Campus Allies
- Training Opportunities
- Faculty Leadership
- Enhances education experiences for students
- Cost Savings
How do you see IPE fitting into your programs of study?
- Undergraduate Education
- Graduate Education
- Simulation activities
- Internships (schools, hospitals, clinical sites, hospice)
- Health Promotion
- Community Engagement
- Community Need Assessments
- Research
Interested in IPE?
CEHHS IPE Ad Hoc Committee
- To identify and prioritize IPE practices or strategies that can be implemented college-wide.
- To make recommendations to the Dean’s office on the resources needed to implement these recommendations in a strategic and consistent manner.
Long-Term IPE Goals:
- Expand or create innovative interprofessional education curricula, programs, and collaborative clinical practice experiences/sites
- Establish interprofessional research, scholarship, and a training agenda that is responsive to our community needs (local, regional, international)
- Build an IPE center or clinic to support Interprofessional Education within CEHHS and across CSUSM
Wendy Hansbrough, SoN/TT Faculty
Alison Scheer-Cohen, SLP/TT Faculty
Jennifer Ostergren, Dean
Kristen Nahrstedt, SLP/Lecturer faculty
Jessica Gerez, SoN/Lecturer faculty
Paul Stuhr, Kine/TT faculty
Marissa McMackin , Kine/Lecturer faculty
Jimmy Young, SW/TT faculty
For more info, please contact:
Alison Scheer-Cohen: ascheer@csusm.edu
Wendy Hansbrough: whansbro@csusm.edu