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Credential Finishing

NOTE:  Clicking a program's title will access the corresponding PowerPoint presentation


Initial Credential (Middle Level, Multiple Subject, Single Subject)

Concurrent (Preliminary Education Specialist/Multiple Subject)
Add-On (Preliminary Education Specialist)

Speech-Language Pathology Credential (Communicative Sciences & Disorders - Preliminary Credential)

Internship (Education Specialist, Single Subject or Verification of Internship Eligibility)

Educational Administration (Certificate and/or Credential)

Reading and Literacy (Authorization and/or Credential)

Education Specialist Credential
(for those with a basic teaching credential.  For those wanting to add Autism Spectrum Disorder Authorization (ASD) or English Language Authorization (ELA))

Ryan Credential Fifth Year Clear

Added Authorizations for Students Who Hold an Existing Credential
(Please read Instructional Guidelines for specific application requirements)