Phone Consultations
Request a Phone Counseling Consultation
To schedule a phone consultation, please call 760-750-4915 or you may walk into SHCS to schedule a consult. (Please be advised that this is with a mental health professional and not an appointment for academic counseling.)
A phone consultation with a counselor for mental health concerns will be 30 minutes to assess presenting needs to determine best course of treatment. These are also open to community members, faculty and staff.
Phone consultations can be scheduled up to 48 hours in advance. Appointments are in 30 minutes increments from 8:30 am -12 pm and 1:30 pm -4:30 pm.
Students who have been previously seen at SHCS within that semester can call 760-750-4915 or walk-in to the center and ask to for an appointment with the therapist that they worked with previously.