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SHCS Health Assistance Fund

SHCS health Assistance FundThe SHCS Health Assistance Fund aims to address the financial barriers faced by students in accessing wellness, mental and medical health services needed to support their well-being and academic success by offsetting the costs of obtaining these services through the HAF scholarship.  

Fund will pay for:

  • Therapy (e.g., individual, couples, group, and family therapy)
  • Mental health treatment centers
    (e.g., eating disorder, substance abuse, psychotic disorder
    treatment centers)
  • Psychological testing
  • Psychiatric visits
  • Medical appointments
  • Medication (prescription and over the counter)
  • Immunization (MMR, Heptatis B, Flu, etc)
  • Lab work (blood tests, urine tests, STI screening, etc)
  • Optometry (eyeglasses, contact lens, etc)
  • Dental (teeth cleaning, extractions, root canal, etc)
  • Transportation to/from medical and mental health appointments


  • Currently enrolled CSUSM students. 
  • Students that demonstrate financial need to pay for wellness, medical or mental health services that they cannot afford or that are outside the scope of SHCS. Students must be able to provide supporting statement of their needs and cost of services they are seeking.
  • Student may be awarded anywhere from $50 (minimum) - $500 (maximum) per request, but only able to receive $500 max per semester (Spring/Fall semesters only).


  1. Students must apply online.
  2. Student will be contacted by Clinical Case Manager wihtin 5-7 business days to schedule an appointment to discuss their request, as well as any other resources that may be helpful to the student.
  3. At the time of the meeting with Clinical Case Manager, student may provide supporting documentation and services being sought. (Please see the application for details.)
  4. The Clinical Case Manager then forwards the student’s request to SHCS HAF approval committee for final review and approval.
  5. Clinical Case Manager will inform the student of request outcome within 5-7 business days of their meeting with the Clinical Case Manager.
  6. If approved, students will receive funds as a Financial Aid Scholarship in their student account. Students are highly encouraged to enroll in the CSUSM Direct Deposit Program. This can be done through logging into
  7. If denied, students will be provided with information about other on- and off-campus resources that might help address their needs.

Applications for Financial Assistance are OPEN for SPRING 2025.


If you need referrals and resources please complete the HAF application, or  please email us at  We will be processing applications on a first come, first serve basis with limited funding. Completion of application does not guarantee funding. If funds are depleted, case management services will be provided to connect you to resources. Please note that during our staff transition, it is taking a little longer for processing. 

If you need assistance beyond medical, mental or wellness, you can apply for the ASI Student Emergency Fund.

Consider Donating
Please help us support students who have financial barriers in accessing mental, medical and wellness care. Consider donating to the SHCS: Health Assistance Fund Scholarship. No amount is small - Every dollar helps!

Donate Today!

If you have further questions or concerns, please email