Rights & Responsibilities
SHCS values the privacy of its patients and the confidentiality of the personal and
health information entrusted to us. To protect your personal health information, we
have policies and procedures regarding disclosing your Personal Health Information
(PHI). Please download the Students Notice of Privacy for more information.
As a Student Health and Counseling Services patient, you have the Right to:
- Be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
- Be given privacy during discussion, examination and treatment.
- Be provided information regarding your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in language you understand.
- The confidential treatment of all medical records, approval or refusal of the release of medical records, except when otherwise required by law.
- Receive reasonable continuity of care and know the names and title of those participating in your care.
- Participate in decisions involving your care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
- Be informed of SHCS’s availability of services.
- Change providers, if other qualified providers are available.
- Express suggestions and/or grievances to the SHCS Director; by filling out a patient feedback form on the SHCS campus website or via patient suggestion boxes located in the reception area, counseling waiting area, and check out.
- Make an informed decision to decline diagnostic evaluations or treatments to the extent permitted by law, including formulating Advanced Directives and accept responsibility for the outcome of such decisions.
As a Student Health and Counseling Services patient, you are Responsible for
- Providing complete and accurate information, to the best of your ability, about your health, any medications taken, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, and any allergies or sensitivities.
- Inform SHCS of living will, Advance Directive, Medical Power of Attorney, or other information that could influence care.
- Arriving on time for appointments and canceling appointments ahead of time if you cannot make them.
- Following the agreed upon treatment plan prescribed by your provider and participating in your care.
- Providing up-to-date, complete emergency contact information.
- Checking campus email for information regarding past visits or test results.
- Accepting personal financial responsibility for any services at the time of service.
- Return borrowed equipment in good condition.
- Understand and accept the consequences of refusing or not complying with treatment plan.
- Ask for clarification whenever you don’t understand the medical information or instructions provided.
- Behaving respectfully toward all healthcare professionals and staff, as well as other patients and visitors.
- Abstaining from the use of cell phone during your visit. Video, photos and sound recordings are prohibited.