Rebecca Lush Publications
Edited with Michael Johnson, Sara Spurgeon, and Kerry Fine. Weird Westerns: Race, Gender, Genre. University of Nebraska Press, 2020.
Edited with Jane Donawerth, Margaret Fell: Women's Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. Toronto, Ontario: Iter Press and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2018.
Refereed Journal Articles
“Original sin: Frontier horror, gothic Anxiety, and colonial monsters in The Vampire Diaries”, Horror Studies, 8.2 (2017): 293-312.
“Turning Tricks: Sexuality and Trickster Language in Vizenor’s The Heirs of Columbus.”Studies in American Indian Literatures. 24.2 (Summer 2012): 1-16.
“The Memory of Romance: Love and War in Aphra Behn’s Colonial Virginia.” Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 6 (Fall 2011): 223-230.
“‘Louisianian Lady’: Racial Ambiguity, Gender, and National Identity in Cooper’s The Prairie.” Literature in the Early American Republic. 2.1 (April 2010): 153-171.
Refereed Book Chapters
“Racial Metaphors and Vanishing indians in Wynonna Earp, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Emma Bull’s Territory” in Weird Westerns: Race, Gender, Genre. Eds. Michael Johnson, Rebecca Lush, Sara Spurgeon, and Kerry Fine. University of Nebraska Press (Summer 2020), 255-285.
With Sara Spurgeon and Michael K. Johnson “West World(s): Race, Gender, and Genre in the Weird Western”. Introduction to Weird Westerns: Race, Gender, Genre. Eds. Michael Johnson, Rebecca Lush, Sara Spurgeon, and Kerry Fine. University of Nebraska Press (Summer 2020), 1-36.
“’Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth’: Dead Celebrities and Horror Archetypes in The Last Final Girl and Zombie Bake-Off” in A Critical Companion to the Fictions of Stephen Graham Jones Essay Collection, ed. Billy Stratton. University of New Mexico Press (December 2016), 305-326.
“The Royal Frontier: Colonist and Native Relations in Aphra Behn’s Virginia.” in Before the West Was West. Eds. Amy Hamilton and Thomas Hillard. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (November 2014), 130-160.
“The Appropriation of the Madonna Aesthetic.” in The Performance Identities of Lady Gaga, ed. Richard Gray II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing (May 2012), 173-187.
Edited with Maura Elford, “The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci: An Electronic Edition.”Early Americas Digital Archive. Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland, 2007.
Review Essays
“Wampum, Bibles, Treaties, and American Letters: Native American and Anglo-American Communications in Early America.” Early American Literature 49.3 (Fall 2014): 771-785.
Book Reviews
Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip’s War by Billy J. Stratton (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2013) in Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) 2.1 (Spring 2015):150-152.
Painting Indians and Building Empires in North America, 1710-1840 by William H. Truettner (University of California Press, 2010) in Western American Literature. 47.3 (Fall 2012): 313-315.
Bridging the Early Modern Atlantic World: People, Products, and Practices on the Move, ed. Caroline A. Williams (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009) in The Sixteenth Century Journal. XLII (Spring 2011): 148-150.
The Marvelous Hairy Girls: The Gonzales Sisters and Their Worlds by Merry Wiesner-Hanks (London: Yale University Press, 2009) in Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volume 5 (Fall 2010): 306-308.
Open/Community Scholarship for General Readership:
“Nancy Drew on the CW: CW Nancy Drew Premiere at Comic Con, Spooky and Sexy Fun” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 79 (Sept/Oct 2019): 48-51.
“The Usual Suspects?: The Suspect Who Came to Dinner: Dangerous Dining in The Ghost of Craven Cove” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 67 (Sept/Oct 2017): 6-8.
“Nancy Drew and Squad Goals: A Look at Taylor Swift Girl Detective and Interview with authors Larissa Zageris and Kitty Curran” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 67 (Sept/Oct 2017): 32-37.
“The Usual Suspects?: Mystery, She Wrote: Metatextualiy in The Secret in the Old Lace” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 66 (Jul/Aug 2017): 16-18.
“The Usual Suspects?: Heavy Metal Overkill: Rockers and Shockers in the Nancy Drew Files’ Vanishing Act” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 65 (May/June 2017): 12-14.
“The Usual Suspects?: The World’s A Stage: Bad Acting and Other Misdemeanors in The Queen’s Court” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 64 (Mar/Apr 2017): 22-25.
“The Usual Suspects?: Double Trouble: Evil Twins and Twice-Told Tales in The Mystery at Lilac Inn” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 63 (Jan/Feb 2017): 8-13.
“The Usual Suspects?: Winter Is Coming: Snow Sports and Suspicious Folks in The Mystery at the Ski Jump and Werewolf In a Winter Wonderland” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 62 (Nov/Dec 2016): 14-19.
“The Usual Suspects?: “Who Let the Ghost Dogs Out?: Secrets and Spooks in Nancy Drew Ghost Stories” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 61 (Sept/Oct 2016): 22-27.
“The Usual Suspects?: “Folklore, Fakes, and Masquerades: Regionalism in the New Orleans Nancy Drew Titles” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 60 (July/Aug 2016): 20-25.
“Nancy Drew Goes to College (As Part of the Syllabus): Sleuthing in the Classroom and the Aca-fan” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 60 (July/Aug 2016): 30-33.
“The Usual Suspects?: Fashion Victims and Other Fashion Faux-Pas in The Teen Model Mystery” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 59 (May/June 2016): 18-23.
“The Usual Suspects?: The Kachina Doll Mystery: Not Your Average Tale of Cowboys and Indians” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 58 (Mar/Apr 2016): 17-21.
“Clues to Good Cooking: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bombshell-Chic Cuisine” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 58 (Mar/Apr 2016): 33-34.
“She’s Positively a Siren: Romance in the Nancy Drew Film Series” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 57 (Jan/Feb 2016): 15-17.
“The Truth Is Out There, Nancy Drew” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 55 (Sept/October 2015):16-19.
“Hidden Dangers in the Home: Nancy Drew and the Uncanny” The Sleuth: A Nancy Drew Fanzine. 54 (July/August 2015): 20-22.