Budget Training & Resources
Academic Affairs Business Operations (AABO)
AABO is for ALL Academic Affairs Administrative Staff who coordinate budget, travel, hospitality and other administrative processes. AABO is dedicated to organizational success across the Division of Academic Affairs.
- Budget Tracking and Reconciliation: Budget Orientation and The Shadow Budget
- Monthly reconciliation deadlines: General ledger closes around the 10th, Reconciliation due by end of month.
- Example: July (Period 1) closes August 10. July Reconciliation due to supervisor by August 31
Fiscal Year Budget Processes and timelines
Templates and guidelines will be provided:
Other Resources:
- Trust Fund guidelines (cash trusts)
- Lottery Funds
- Departments are expected to spend all Lottery funds during the fiscal year in which they are allocated.
- If a department intends to carry-forward a Lottery Fund balance in any fiscal year, the carry-forward amount shall not exceed 80 percent of that fiscal year’s allocation.
- Carry-forward balance is to be used for the enhancement of the instructional programs.
- See Lottery Fund Policy and Procedures and Request for Restoration (at above link) for more information on Lottery fund balance carryforward. Provide formal request with signatures to the Budget Office, with a copy to Academic Affairs.
- CSU Lottery Information
- Campus & Community Relations Funds (CCR) Guidelines:
- Guidelines for the CCR funds are in the CSUSM Public Relations Policy within the Hospitality Guidelines
- For additional guidance or questions on spending contact Hospitality at hospitality@csusm.edu
- These are corporation funds so you do need to use a Corporation ProCard
- These should be tracked and reconciled just like you do your state funds
- Any additional questions around CCR funds you can contact Pia Bombardier, she manages them for the Provost Office
- FS Forms (Salary Expense Adjust, Travel Accrual, Billing Upload, Chartfield Request, etc.)
- Assigned Time and Additional Employment MOU Template
- Financial Transfer Instructions
- Budget Processes (Including budget transfer instructions)
- HR Actuals Instructions
- Data Warehouse Base Budget Download and Analysis Instructions
- Data Warehouse Reporting Training manuals
- CSYOU Financial Services Training Library
- myCSUSM (PeopleSoft and CFS Login)
- Independent Contractor and Guest Lecturer Guidelines
- Special Consultant Guidelines (click on link for Adobe form and additional guidelines from HR)
- For faculty only: College AE analyst will request review of job duties by email from Faculty Affairs
for Faculty (R03) employees to see if it is Faculty Work:
- CSUSM faculty members must get additional employment approval form (AEDF) before accepting or starting any work. Please work directly with faculty home college AE analyst before doing the SC form. The college will need to provide the signed AEDF form to the hiring entity which will provide the instructions to process the SC form. The signed AEDF form must be attached to the SC form for routing. All workload is tracked in the colleges for faculty, including special consultant work.
- For external CSU Faculty doing non-unit 3 work process:
Process for paying external CSU faculty hires doing additional employment at CSUSM below (speaking, program review, etc.)
- Request HR for SC approval for non-CSU employees only using Contractor-Consultant Determination Form
- Not needed for External CSU faculty if have home campus work approval form and use IFT process to pay
- Use ADOBE workflow link to complete SC form
- Department submitting paperwork confirms not over 125% workload (AEDF attached on all Unit 3 Faculty Special Consultant forms)
- Per HR $136.80 minimum daily rate
- Per AA Matrix, max $600 daily rate on all Special Consultant work, must have Provost written approval for higher rate. Please attach approval to SC form in ADOBE.
- Attach:
- HR Contractor/Consultant Determination for non-CSUSM employee and any other pertinent document (not needed for CSUSM employees)
- AEDF if CSUSM faculty confirming not over 125% (Faculty need to request and receive from their college before committing to work)
- For Faculty: Please copy the AE home college analyst on the adobe signature routing so they receive a final copy of workload docs for their faculty.
- If need Vice Provost signature include Maria Rasimas: mrasimas@csusm.edu as reviewer
- If need Provost signature, no reviewer needed but use provost@csusm.edu for Provost signature (if needed for Direct Reports, always need it for MPPs).
- Provost Designee is delegate and signs on the VP line "as delegate" (see matrix for Dean's that are Provost Designee).
- Timesheet is submitted separate from agreement
- Print as PDF to get data to save
- Upload to ADOBE for signatures AFTER work is completed
- Send signed timesheet to Payroll
- For faculty only: College AE analyst will request review of job duties by email from Faculty Affairs
for Faculty (R03) employees to see if it is Faculty Work:
- Process for paying EXTERNAL CSU faculty hires doing additional employment at CSUSM
below (speaking, program review, etc.)
- Email description of duties to Deirdre in Faculty Affairs to confirm if it is unit 3 work
- If unit 3 work, submit the CSU Offer Approval Form on the FA website (under Resources and Tools), when approved, hire and pay from CSUSM as usual
- If not unit 3 work, complete and send attached EXTERNAL CSU FACULTY STATEMENT OF WORK to external CSU department to route for signature approval and IFT process (attached form must be completed and signed before the work is started)
- After work is completed, submit signed completed approval form in an email to accounting@mailhost1.csusm.edu to request the IFT be submitted to the home campus (include your chart field for where the funds are coming from)
- Process for paying INTERNAL CSUSM faculty hires doing additional employment at other
CSU campuses (speaking, program review, etc.)
- Faculty offered work from external CSU Campus that is not Unit 3 work
- CSUSM Faculty to complete Additional Employment form through home college to receive Dean approval before committing are starting to do the work
- College analyst to complete INTERNAL CSU FACULTY STATEMENT OF WORK for faculty hired at external CSU campus (non unit 3 work only) and communicate/share with external campus to complete all information and provide or receive IFT information
- College analyst to send completed form to Faculty Affairs to confirm it is not unit 3 work
- College analyst to confirm work is completed and initiate and/or receive IFT from
external campus
- If initiating IFT: after work is completed submit this completed form in an email to accounting@mailhost1.csusm.edu to request the IFT be submitted to CSUSM (include your chart field for CSUSM and external campus)
- Process payment through Human Resources (most likely Special Consultant)
- Procurement Manuals/Instruction/User Guides
- Auxiliary Funds Cheat Sheet 02/24/23
- CSUSM Account Codes 06/07/2021
- Mandatory Contractual Funds Class Codes
- CSUSM Corporation forms
- FAS forms
- University Budget Office
- PCBO Services
- CSU Records Retention & Disposition Schedules
- AA Employee Onboarding & Separation Checklists
- AA Professional Development for Faculty and Staff