AA Employee Onboarding & Separation Checklists and Status Changes
Personnel hiring and status changes process stateside only
- Personnel Requisition - USE PAGEUP to recruit staff and MPP (see MATRIX for signature routing and guidelines on personnel reqs)
- When recruiting, recommend including:
- Supplemental questions with the application
- Requesting a letter of interest (cover letter) with the resume
- Appropriate assessments for the position (especially excel for all administrative positions)
- Appropriate scenario questions in the interview
- When recruiting, recommend including:
CSU Salary Schedule, Classification Standards, and Collective Bargaining Agreements (if needed)
**After HR approval, attach HR Appointment letter through the ePAN process and include comment regarding base funding (on all base funded personnel actions):
- Full BASE funding must be identified (and source) for all regular positions being recruited
Personnel requisitions are not needed for student workers or casual workers, just ePANs.
Forms now in ADOBE workflow:
- IRP Request Form (does not require Provost signature, just Provost designee)
- Classification Review Request Form (Provost email required, see matrix for guidelines)
- Volunteer Form
- MPP Action Request Form President signature required on New MPP Hires and MPP Equity requests.(Provost email required, see matrix for guidelines)
- Bonus and Stipend Form (Provost email required, see matrix for guidelines)
If you have questions regarding these forms, please contact your HR analyst directly.
- 85xxx Sponsored Projects, are signed by supervisor and PI/PD only (and MPP supervisor if it is an Overload)
- 86xxx, 82xxx, and 81xxx, Campus Programs, SEE SIGNATURE ROUTING MATRIX
Onboarding checklist (revised 12/06/2021):
All employees:
- Email employee welcome email (template-adapt for internal, faculty, etc.) after receive signed HR offer letter
- Email announcement to department introducing new employee, background, start date, etc.
- Update org charts, directories, web pages
- Name plates or office sign updated
- Access to any resource or shared mailboxes, folders, etc.
- New hire ESP - for email, parking permit, long distance code, etc. ( access through myCSUSM)
- Submit ePAN /staff (ONBASE) or ATF/Faculty attach HR appt. letter & work schedule (need EMP ID & position #)
- Request existing computer be prepared by IITS or order new Refresh computer if needed
- Employee Sign In Process and attend HR Orientation
- Campus/Unit tour and introductions and Faculty/Staff resources
- Order office and/or other keys for position
- Prepare office if needed, cleaned out, organized (check with Facilities if furniture needed)
- TEAMS and/or Voice Mail instructions
- Copier/printer/copy code instructions
- Unit webpage updated with new staff/TT (OU Campus)
- Outlook shared calendar
- Review and remind to use PAR Website for all Academic Affairs Travel, Hospitality, Budget and other Resources & Operations forms, links, etc.
- Review absence entry and process
- Defensive Driving training
- Schedule Ergonomic evaluation
- Introduce to Faculty/Staff Help Desk
- Classification/Compensation information for staff
- Payroll/Holidays information
- Professional Development Opportunities and Guidelines, assign prof dev for first year based on needs of job
- Add to PCBO email distribution list
- Access/review for Unit One Drive/Sharepoint group page if applicable
- Add to AABO Team if 'Business Operations Staff' (travel, hospitality, budget, purchasing, etc.)
- Ask Staff Center to assign buddy if external staff new hire
- Welcome packet or swag bag on desk, if have one
Unit Budget Coordinator, Department Chair, Director or MPP:
- Fiscal Authority Responsibility Designation (include all DEPT IDs)
- PeopleSoft/CFS/HR actuals/Onbase access as needed for position
- List of all CSUSM Corp projects, guidelines, shadow budget if applicable
Unit Budget Analyst/Administrative Coordinator, if applicable:
- Pay Warrant DDR Authorization form and training
- Campus mail responsibilities
- Request Filemaker database for Unit 11 Employees & TT Faculty ATFs (Contracts) from Faculty Affairs
- ePAN/OnBase training **Attach HR appointment letter AND signed Personnel Requisition & Justification memo
- CFS/Data Warehouse set up default reports and training
- PeopleSoft review and training
- Request ProCard and other purchasing access (Staples, etc), PO/Requisition Training
- Student worker training/management (Student Employee Hiring Process Guide)
- Hospitality requests training
- Scheduling/Puzzling training
- 25Live Event planning access/training
- Website Training/OU Campus
- Travel website request training
AA Budget Training & Resources website request training
Separation/Exit process for units:
- Received resignation/retirement letter with last day specified
- Separation ESP (myCSUSM)
- Separation ePAN/staff (need ONBASE)
- Remove Fiscal Authority Responsibility Designation (if applicable)
- Exit Email sent with link to Human Resources Sign Out instructions
- Received resignation/retirement letter with last day specified
- Separation ESP (Move ESP for FERPs, if applicable - do not separate)
- Separation ATF (Check with Faculty Affairs for FERP ATF requirements, do not separate)
- Exit email sent (Check with Faculty Affairs for guidelines)
- FERP information
Emeritus Faculty information (if applicable):
- Department/Dean submits application to nominate retiring faculty
- Status notifications handled by The Provost Office
- Separation ESP Comments: Application for Emeritus status in progress - please keep accesses and Outlook open until further notice.
Questions regarding the above can be directed to Academic Affairs Resource & Operations Analyst, Maria Rasimas, at mrasimas@csusm.edu