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Discretionary Salary Increases

Additional Increase Request

An Additional Increase may be requested as a salary increase or one-time bonus at any time by a manager or an employee. Please submit the request using the Additional Increase Request Form. 
A member of the Office of Human Resources who is trained in compensation methodology will review the request and will consult with the appropriate administrator(s). Additional Increases are awarded solely at the discretion of the President.  

IRP Process

The In-Range Progression (IRP) review process may include an evaluation of any or all of the following:

  • The IRP request and any supporting documentation provided
  • Documents contained in the employee’s personnel file
  • Consultation with the manager and/or employee
  • The CSU Classification and Qualification Standards.
  • Other relevant information

When HR has completed the review and analysis, a decision will be rendered and communicated to the requestor. If the review was employee-initiated, a copy of the decision will be sent to the manager.

Reviews of employee-initiated IRP requests shall be complete within ninety (90) days after the request is received in OHR.

Any change in compensation will be effective on the first of the month following receipt of the request in the Office of Human Resources. Any increase in salary will be funded by the incumbent's department.

Requesting an IRP Review

1. There are two ways to request an IRP review:

  • Management-Initiated IRP Review
    Managers may request an IRP review by submitting the IRP Request Form and attaching a current position description (if duties have changed) and justification for the review. The IRP Request Form will then be routed to the President's Administrative Team and then HR for review.
  • Employee-Initiated IRP (APC or SUPA)
    An APC and SUPA employee may initiate a request for an IRP review by submitting the IRP Request Form and attaching or including justification for the review. The IRP Request Form will then be routed to the employee's immediate non-bargaining unit supervisor, the President's Administrative Team and then HR for review.

2. Conducting the IRP review

A member of the Office of Human Resources who is trained in compensation methodology will conduct a review of the request, including assessing relevant information. After consulting with the appropriate administrator(s), HR will prepare the approval or denial memo that notifies the employee and the appropriate administrator(s) of the final decision.