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Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV)

To ensure only eligible dependents of State employees are enrolled in employer-sponsored health coverage, California Government Code Section 22842.1 requires your employer to verify the eligibility of your dependent(s) at least once every three years. The DEV process was authorized by Senate Bill (SB) 98 creating Government Code (GC) 22843.1. Government Code section 22959 authorizes extending this review to dependents enrolled in dental benefits.

The DEV is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of family members enrolled in CalPERS Health and/or CSU Dental benefit coverage. Family members include: Spouse, Domestic Partner, Natural Born Child, Adopted Child, Step-Child and/or Domestic Partner's Child.

The new law requires the California State University to:

  • Verify the eligibility of all employee dependents prior to enrolling them in a health and/or dental plan.
  • Maintain a record of the verifying documentation for each dependent.
  • Validate/verify dependent eligibility at least once every three years based on dependent type and DEV schedule.

Dependents will not be eligible to enroll or continue to be enrolled in CalPERS Health and/or CSU Dental coverage if employees do not provide the necessary supporting documentation prescribed by CalPERS prior to the verification due date. Each campus is responsible for the timely validation and retention of supporting documentation and notification to CalPERS.

If you are not enrolled in a CalPERS Health and/or CSU Dental plan, or do not have dependents enrolled in these plans, this process does not pertain to you.


    The  re-verification period is based on employee's birth month, and communications on the process are provided to the employee beginning 90 days prior to the birth month. The following chart illustrates the schedule:

    Year of Re-Verification

    Employee Birth Month

    2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
    February March January February March January
    May June April May June April
    August September July August September July
    November December October November December October

    State employees enrolled in CalPERS Health and/or CSU Dental benefits must re-verify the eligibility of a dependent(s) as listed on the Affidavit by providing the necessary documentation to the Benefits Office located in the Administrative Bldg., suite 4800 or email prior to the filing deadline

    Enrolled in a CalPERS Health & CSU Dental plan -  CalPERS will produce and mail an employee's DEV Affidavit directly to affected employee, enrolled in CalPERS Health and CSU Dental plans,  based on the employee's birth month, using the employee's mailing address on file.  A copy of your DEV Affidavit is made available in employee's MyCalPERS account during the verification period.

    Enrolled in a CSU Dental Plan Only - The campus Benefits Office will produce and email an employee's DEV Affidavit directly to affected employee, if only enrolled in a CSU Dental plan.

    The campus Benefits Office will send email communications to all affected employees during their verification period, providing instructions on documentation needed, filing deadline, and how to submit.

    Questions can be directed to



    • A copy of the Government Issued Marriage Certificate or Domestic Partnership Registration filed with the California Secretary of State or a comparable agency in another jurisdiction listing the dependent as your spouse or domestic partner.


    • A copy of the first page of your most recent federal or state income tax return, such as IRS Form 1040 listing dependent as your spouse or domestic partner.


    • A combination of other documentation, including but not limited to, a household bill, account statement, or insurance policy listing the name and address of the subscriber and the spouse/domestic partner, or other documentation that substantiates the existence of a current marriage or domestic partnership. Household bills and account statements older than 60 calendar days are unacceptable.

    *The first document establishes the life event allowing the enrollment of the dependent (i.e., marriage or registering as domestic partners). The second document substantiates the relationship is current.


    • A copy of the Government Issued Birth Certificate naming the employee as the parent.



    • A copy of the Government Issued Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate naming the employee, spouse or domestic partner as the parent.



    • A copy of the Government Issued Birth Certificate naming the employee's current spouse as the parent.



    • A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee's current domestic partner as the parent.

    We offer three ways to submit your DEV Affidavit and required Supporting Documentation. Options include:

    1. Scan and Email –
    • Complete Section D of the DEV Affidavit and gather supporting documentation.
    • Please redact any SSN or financial information that may be reflected on the supporting documentation submitted or send encrypted by including “csusm-encrypt” in the subject line of the email.
    • You can scan and email your completed DEV Affidavit and required Supporting Documentation to
    1. Scan and submit through MOVEit –
    • Complete Section D of the DEV Affidavit and gather supporting documentation.
    • Scan and save the completed information as a pdf.
    • Get Started using MOVEit, a secure CSU file transfer
      • Automatically register for MOVEit by visiting
      • Login/Authenticate with SSO (Single Sign On) and Duo. First time use the red SSO box located towards the bottom of the page.
      • Select “Send Package
      • Enter recipient name, subject matter, a note, and attach the created DEV pdf document
      • Click the red “Send” box
    1. Drop Off –
    • You can visit the Office of Human Resources Front Desk in the Administrative Bldg. Ste. 4800 (4th floor behind the University Store) to drop off your DEV Affidavit and required Supporting Documentation during regular office hours (M-F 8 to 4).

    The Benefits Office will confirm receipt of the submitted documentation, communicate if there is anything pending, and will confirm once the verification has been completed. Questions should be sent to


    Employees will be required to complete and submit the DEV Affidavit and required Supporting Documentation to the campus Benefits Office no later than the first day of the employee's birth month.

    If all required documentation is not received prior to the 5th of the birth month, health care premiums may be affected and coverage reduced to "employee only". The employee will be required to repay the difference in premiums when requested by the State Controller's Office (SCO).

    If required documentation is not received by the verification deadline, the dependents will lose their coverage effective the first of the month following the employee's birth month.  A cancellation notification and a COBRA Continuation notice will be provided to the employee.

    For more information, please contact the Benefits Office at

Dependent Eligibility Verification FAQs

Additional questions should be directed to