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Sick Leave

The comprehensive sick leave program is designed to offer employees the necessary support during time of illness or to attend medical appointments.  Eligible employees accrue sick leave which can be used not only for their own health-related needs but also to provide care for eligible family members.

The policy allows for the carryover of unused sick leave, with no maximum limit.  To use sick leave, employees must adhere to the procedures outlinned in their collective bargaining agreement, which typically involves notifying their supervisor and providing necessary documentation when appropriate.  The CSU sick leave policy reflects its commitment to the welfare of CSU employees.

  • When to Use Sick Leave

    Sick leave may be authorized for various reasons such as:

    • Illness, injury, or disability related to pregnancy or childbirth.
    • Exposure to contagious disease.
    • Dental, eye, or other physical or medical examinations or treatments by a licensed practitioner.
    • Family care, meaning illness or injury in the immediate family as defined by CBA.
    • Death of a person in the immediate family.

    Refer to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for specific details related to the appropriate use of sick leave. 

  • Reporting Sick Time

    An employee shall be responsible for reporting an absence to the appropriate administrator as soon as possible in compliance with department and campus practice. The campus recognizes that extenuating circumstances may prevent an employee from calling in before the start of their shift, however the employee will make every effort to call in as close to the start of the shift as possible.

    An employee may be required to provide a licensed health care provider’s statement or other appropriate verification when absent due to illness/injury in accordance with CBA. 

    For information regarding sick leave reporting please refer to the Absence Management Self-Service Guides.

  • Accrual Information

    Sick leave is accrued at the rate of eight (8) hours per qualifying pay period for full-time employees and accumulated without limitation. Sick leave is accrued on a pro-rated basis for part-time employees.  The qualifying pay period is defined as having at least 11 days on pay status within a month.

    Sick leave may not be used prior to an accrual being earned which occurs on the first day of the following pay period.

    Questions regarding sick leave accruals should be directed to Payroll Services at

  • Unused Sick Hours

    Upon leaving university employment, no payment is made for unused sick leave. However, under certain conditions, unused sick leave may be transferable to other State agencies or converted to service credit at retirement in accordance with CalPERS guidelines.

The CSU Family Medical Leave (CSU FML) policy may require the campus to determine FML eligibility following an absence of multiple consecutive sick days, even if the employee does not provide notice (the number of days varies by CBA).  Visit CSU Family Medical Leave for more information.