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Additional Employment

Additional Employment refers to any CSU employment that is in addition to the employee’s primary appointment. Faculty may be offered a maximum of 125% (100% in their primary appointment and up to 25% additional employment). It is important to note that ALL additional employment must qualify under the CSU Additional Employment Policy and Article 36.5 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

All required approvals for additional employment must be obtained in advance, before the work begins. Without advance approval, work has not been authorized and cannot commence.

To begin the process, all faculty must complete a Microsoft Forms survey at their college's link below. If faculty need help please use the contact below for more information.

Next, an Appropriate Administrator wishing to assign Additional Employment (AE) must ensure the Faculty Additional Employment Disclosure Form is filled out and executed in advance of AE being formally assigned or accepted.

Faculty Additional Employment Disclosure Form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is additional employment?
    Additional Employment refers to any CSU employment that is in addition to the employee’s primary appointment. Additional employment limitations are based on time-base, not salary. A maximum of 125% time-base is allowed under certain circumstances. (Please refer to the question below for specific rules.)
  • For faculty unit employees, what is allowed as additional employment?

    Article 36.5 of the CBA provides for additional employment of up to twenty-five percent (25%) of a full-time position only if the additional employment:

    • consists of employment of a substantially different nature from the primary or normal work assignment; or
    • is funded from non-general fund sources; or
    • is the result of part-time employment on more than one campus.
  • What are the maximum allowable weighted teaching units for a primary appointment and additional employment?

    The following information is a guide to determine the maximum allowable teaching units for Academic semesters, Summer sessions, Winter Sessions.

    Maxium Allowable Teaching Units per Semester


    Full-time/maximum primary appointment

    Maximum Additional Employment

    Academic Semester

    15 WTUs

    3.75 WTUs

    Winter Intersession

    3.2 WTUs

    0.8 WTUs

    Summer sessions

    6 WTUs/session
    (12 WTUs total if teaching both sessions)

    1.5 WTUs/session
    (3 WTUs total if teaching both sessions)

    Weighted Teaching Units (WTU) represent the effort and value assigned to instructional faculty work.

    CSUSM and the CSU will not permit faculty to exceed 125% in any given semester. Averaging is not allowed, per the CSU.
  • What counts when determining the 125% additional employment?
    Under the CSU Additional Employment Policy, all CSU employment and all outside CSU foundation and other CSU auxiliary employment are considered together. This includes work performed for any CSU campus and for any CSU auxiliary organization such as CSUSM Corporation, Extended Learning, and grants and contracts administered by CSU auxiliary organizations. Work performed as a Special Consultant is also counted as part of an individual’s total workload.
  • How is salary determined for additional employment?
    The salary rate for additional employment may be the same as the rate for the primary appointment; however, a different salary rate is permitted if appropriate for the work performed and if allowed by the funding source (e.g., private corporation contract). In the case of a federal grant or contract, the rate of pay for the additional employment must be the same as the CSU base rate of pay for the primary assignment.
  • Can Academic Administrators accept additional employment in the faculty unit?
  • Can faculty on Sabbatical Leave accept additional or outside employment?
    No, unless they option prior approval from the Provost as the President’s designee.
  • Why are participants in FERP restricted from accepting additional employment?
    FERP faculty are restricted from additional employment unless the additional employment is through a non-CalPERS participant. Participants in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) are further restricted by regulations set forth in Article 29 of the Unit 3 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement. Total CSU employment for FERP participants is limited to either 90-days per fiscal year (a semester is normally 85-days) or 50% of the faculty member’s time base in the year preceding service retirement. FERP participants’ period of employment shall refer to the 90-day rule, per Article 29.8 in the Unit 3 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • How do additional employment and outside employment differ?
    Additional Employment (within the CSU) is different than Outside Employment (typically wholly outside the CSU). There are no percentage limits on Outside Employment; however, Outside Employment shall not conflict with normal CSU work assignments or satisfactory performance of all duties as a faculty unit employee. Also, full-time faculty must fill out CBA Appendix G – the Outside Employment Disclosure Form when the Outside Employment is expected to exceed 160 hours per semester for academic year faculty or 120 hours per 3-month period for 12-month. See CBA Appendix G or the CSU Additional Employment Policy for more information.