Frequently Asked Questions
- What is FERP?
The Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) is a program that provides participants to transition from full-time instructional, librarian, or counselor faculty unit employee assignments into post-retirement. This program allows a faculty member to work either one semester (fall or spring), or 50% of their pre-retirement FTE for the Academic Year.
- Who is eligible to participate in FERP?
Tenured faculty unit employees must meet required minimum age for a normal retirement as defined by CalPERS (currently 55, 60 or 62 dependent upon date of hire). Only Instructional Faculty, Librarians, and Student Service Professional-Academic Related classifications may participate in FERP.
- How many years may I work under this program?
Faculty participating in FERP are entitled to five years of consecutive employment.
- What work cycles are possible?All work may be in one semester or work may be distributed equally throughout the year. The proposed schedule requires Presidential approval and, once established, may be altered only with Presidential approval or at Presidential direction. Once timebase is reduced, it may not be increased.
- What is the deadline to apply?
Faculty must notify the Office of Faculty Affairs, 180 days before the first day of the academic year they plan on enrolling in FERP.
- How do I apply for FERP?Complete the Intent to FERP form and Sick-Leave Carryover form. Please submit fully signed copies to Faculty Affairs.
- After applying, how am I notified of my FERP appointment?You will receive an appointment letter from Faculty Affairs acknowledging your retirement and appointment in FERP. Please work with Faculty Affairs for next steps in the process.
- What is the maximum FERP employment time base for instructional faculty?
Participants in FERP must follow guidelines in place determined by the CBA and CalPERS.
- What is my salary as an instructional FERP faculty?
FERP employment shall be at same rank, and salary level of the participant in the academic or fiscal year immediately prior to retirement. Salary will be prorated for time base.
FERP Pay Schedule
Pay Schedule:
Teaching in the fall only:
At the end of September, October, November, December, January, and February.
Teaching in the spring only:
At the end of February, March, April, May, June, July.
Teaching throughout the academic year:
At the end of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August.
- Will I get any salary increases during my participation in FERP?FERP faculty will be eligible for salary increase programs as defined by agreement between California State University (CSU) and California Faculty Association (CFA).
- May I take a leave of absence without pay while on FERP?
A FERP participant shall be granted one leave of absence without pay for personal illness.
- What about sick leave?Participants may elect to carry over up to forty-eight (48) hours of sick leave into the FERP appointment. This will reduce the sick leave by 48 hours for service retirement credit. In addition to sick leave carry over, full-time FERP participants shall continue to accrue sick leave while on active pay status. Hours will be prorated for time base. A maximum of one hundred and sixty (160) hours of sick leave maybe accrued during FERP.
- What additional employment can I accept as a FERP participant?
FERP participants may only have one state side appointment. Additional appointment may be assigned through non-CalPERS activities (i.e. UCORP, auxiliaries).
- Can I change my semester of FERP employment?
Yes – please contact Faculty Affairs for proper procedure.
- Can I reduce my FERP time base?
Yes – please contact Faculty Affairs for proper procedure.
Reduced time base may effect benefits. Please refer to current CBA on eligibility of enhanced dental and vision.
- Can I separate from FERP before serving the five years?
Yes – Please contact Faculty Affairs for proper procedure.
- Do I receive any insurance coverage while I am working?
FERP participants receive primary benefits through CalPERS. Please refer to current CBA or contact Faculty Affairs regarding increased benefits level while participantin in FERP.
- What happens at the end of the FERP program?
At the end of FERP, the faculty member is no longer entitled to employment. They may be hired as a lecturer or temporary faculty unit member.
- Can I come back to work at CSUSM or any other CSU campus?
Yes – you may come back to teach at a lecturer. Salary range and classification will be based on advertised position.