Faculty Search Process
We are excited to announce CHRS Recruiting went live for faculty searches on September 15, 2021! Training guides are posted above in Internal Documents. Once you log in, the training guides and videos are located in the CHRS folder. Faculty Affairs is here to help as we navigate this new and exciting recruitment process together.
- Searches and Recruitment (Employee Training Center)
- Diversity Training
- Moving and Relocation (Travel Website)
- H-1B Temporary Workers
- Records Retention & Disposition Schedules (Search Records- Record Identifier 1.25)
- Best Practices for Involving Internal Candidates
- Visting Faculty Policy
Lecturer Search Internal Documents
The hiring of Lecturers is governed by provisions of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), particularly Article 12.
If you have questions regarding the hiring of Lecturers please contact the Faculty Affairs Analyst assigned to your college/program.
The hiring of Athletic Coaches is governed by the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
Evaluation of Athletic Coaches: This document sets forth the procedures for periodic performance review of coaches.
Benefits: Link to H.R.E.O.