Search Committee Diversity Training
Sessions are subject for cancellation if the Office of Diversity has not received any registrations prior to the scheduled date of training. This cancellation will also apply if only one participant has registered. Faculty Searches if you are the chair or diversity advocate for a Faculty Search, you must attend training that provides guidelines on how to attract a diverse pool of candidates within a 24-month period. All other committee members are recommended to attend.
Implicit Bias Resources
- Implicit Association Test
Implicit Bias Video Series by UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
This publicly accessible video series begins with an introductory video that describes how biases and heuristics can influence our decision-making and behavior without us even knowing it. It is then followed by six short video lessons on the following topics.
- Preface: Biases and Heuristics
- Lesson 1: Schemas (mental short-cuts that help us navigate the world around us)
- Lesson 2: Attitudes and Stereotypes
- Lesson 3: Real World Consequences
- Lesson 4: Explicit vs. Implicit Bias
- Lesson 5: The IAT (Implicit Association Test – learn more about the IAT at Project Implicit)
- Lesson 6: Countermeasures
Staff Searches
If you are the chair or EEO/Diversity representative for an MPP Search, you must also attend training within a 12-month period. All other committee members must attend training within a 24-month period.
General Searches
If you have any questions about Search Committee Training please contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence at 760-750-4039 or e-mail us at