Diversity Mapping Project at CSUSM
Final Mapping Report
In fall 2014 CSUSM retained Halualani & Associates (H&A) to map current diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, programs, events, initiatives and courses at California State University, San Marcos. The mapping project mapped the last four years of diversity programs, courses and university-wide diversity efforts. The mapping was completed in spring 2015. The Final Mapping Report is available. Below, you can download the PDF version of the report as well as the maps themselves. The charts on the PDF version may not display correctly. If you are having difficulties accessing any of the charts please contact us.
Mapping FAQs
- What is Diversity Mapping?
- How are we Defining Diversity Efforts?
- What are Some of the Purposes and Goals of the Mapping Project?
- How did H&A Collect Data?
- What were Some of the Analytical Layers H&A looked at?
What is Diversity Mapping?
H&A defines "Mapping Diversity Efforts" as a process of self-inquiry, or a reflexive practice of identifying where a university is with regard to establishing a deeply embedded campus structure grounded in diversity in terms of values, principles, objectives and goals, outcomes and resource allocations.
This process involves taking stock of current diversity efforts and then analyzing such mappings to identify the current status of inclusive excellence at a given institution. We refer to this process of inquiry as "mapping diversity efforts"and highlight its valuable utility for locating a higher education institution's actual (and not projected) engagement with and implementation of diversity efforts.
This process is more than just a listing or diagrammatic exercise. It is a meaningful practice of inquiry through which singular information pieces about diversity, which typically exist in isolation and in campus silos, are placed into a larger, holistic portrait that organizes and frames the information in relation to one another, thereby providing a comprehensive view of diversity from a structural and thematic level.
Through such diversity mappings, a baseline measure for where a university is with regard to implementing major diversity efforts across all levels (top-down and across) and divisions at the institution and for all campus constituencies (undergraduate/graduate students, staff, faculty, managers and administrators, community members) can be identified.
Our team sets out to first collect data from all campus divisions about current diversity efforts and courses and then graphically map the data in a brainstorming software program. The process later culminates in an in-depth analysis of the diversity data in terms of the institution's level of commitment and action around diversity, leading to an evaluation of the impact of diversity efforts.
How are we Defining Diversity Efforts?
We are defining diversity efforts as: campus activities, programs, initiatives, processes, policies, mission statements, and or events related to diversity, culture, inclusion, and social justice (and or demographic factors of race, ethnicity, age, gender, generation, sexual orientation, nationality, regional identity, linguistic background, disability, political ideology, veteran's status, religion, socioeconomic status, and intersectionalities among all of these).
What are Some of the Purposes and Goals of the Mapping Project?
- Trace all diversity efforts, programs, courses, curricular components, and resource allocations for the last four years
- Examine all diversity efforts, programs, courses, curricular components, and resource allocations through analytical layers
- Delineate the ACTUAL (not projected or remembered) diversity activities engaged in by CSUSM
- Establish the baseline for where CSUSM is with regard to implementing major diversity efforts across all levels (top-down and across) and divisions (academic to student to community affairs) at the institution and for all campus constituencies (undergraduate/graduate students, staff, faculty, managers and administrators, community members). This baseline will be used to identify and measure progress via the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Diversity
- Identify strengths, "leverage points"or current resources, empty zones, and "opportunities" or needed areas of improvement
- Identify potential coordination efforts
- Recommend possible pathways and strategies for action and implementation and next steps
How is H&A Collecting Data?
Data collection is both qualitative and quantitative. H&A has conducted four days of focus group and individual interviews with faculty, staff, administrators and students. Data is also collected by H&A by scanning the CSUSM website, by making specific requests for documents and information of key departments and employees, and by making campus wide requests for documents and other information. For campus wide requests for documents and information by H&A go to the "How can I provide input?"section.
What are Some of the Analytical Layers H&A Will be Looking at?
Collected data is synthesized through a process by which team members work together to enter data into a spreadsheet that utilizes specific columns to track key aspects of the programs and efforts. These data columns also simultaneously filter such information through six (6) major analytical layers. (This is not a comprehensive list of the ways that H&A analyzes and synthesizes the data, it is merely meant to be demonstrative of some of the analytics used).
Some of the analytical layers include:
Initiation Point: University-Wide or Program-Driven
Level of Integration: Connections & Linkages Among Divisions
Evolution Sequence: 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th Order Items
Target Focus: Mainstream or Specific Group-Focused
Resources/Allocations: Fiscal, Dedicated Positions, FTEF (Full Time Equivalent Faculty)
Combination of Efforts Vs. Singular Efforts