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Inclusive Sustainability

At CSUSM, Inclusive Sustainability is a transformational framework that connects the work of the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Sustainability program.

Inclusive Sustainability is:

  • Placing student/academic success at the center
  • Holistic wellness for our entire campus community (intellectual, environmental, physical, spiritual, social, emotional, financial, occupational)
  • Safeguarding environmentally sound practices
  • Ensuring socially just communities 
  • Identifying inequities for current and future generations
Venn diagram relating sustainability to student success

Inclusive Sustainability is a collaborative effort between CSUSM Inclusive Excellence and Sustainability:

Inclusive Excellence:

At CSU, IE seeks to achieve success for all students through a quality education matched with opportunity.


Holistically addresses the interconnectedness among societies, all living beings and ecosystems by ensuring socially just, ecologically sound, and resilient communities that value diversity, innovation, fiscal stewardship, health, and well-being for all by creating a positive local to global impact for current and future generations.

The term Inclusive Sustainability was coined at UC Santa Cruz by the People of Color Sustainability Collective in 2015 and was published in 2017 in the article by Lu, Flora & Rosser, Rebecca & Renteria, Adriana & Kim, Nancy & Erickson, Elida & Sher, Anna & O'Connor, Lisa. (2017). Inclusive Sustainability: Environmental Justice in Higher Education. 

Points of Pride:


award recipientMelissa Reyes (Environmental Justice Intern) wins CSUSM University Library Award for her research in “Social Justice Through Sustainability: Acknowledging Students of Environmentally Discriminated Areas Through Sustainable Efforts on Campus”

2020 CHESC Best Practice Award for Social Equity and Justice:  Sustainable Menstruation:  Making Periods Zero Waste and Accessible to All:

Sustainable menstration cups given out at eventSome of the variety of products that were given out to students during the Sustainable Menstruation event. 

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2019-2020 CSUSM President's Student Champion Award for Inclusive Excellence and Diversity:


President's Award PhotoAward Recipient Megan Hammerschmidt with CSUSM President Neufeldt

2019 CHESC Best Practice Award for Social Equity and Justice:

Chesc Award PhotoAriel Stevenson and Juliana Goodlaw-Morris representing CSUSM OIE and Sustainability Program

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