Office of Inclusive Excellence Workgroups
Progress Report May 2020
- Workgroup 1: Staffing and Resources for the Office of Inclusive Excellence
Conveners: Allison Carr and Ariel Stevenson
Examine and make recommendations related to the staffing and resources for the Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE).
The workgroup reviewed historical and institutional efforts to advance diversity and inclusion; read scholarly research and relevant policy; and, consulted with the CDO at SJSU. They produced a Worgroup 1 summary report (PDF). Some of the recommendations included:
- Revise the Chief Diversity Officer position description to increase institutional leadership; focus on relationship building and collaboration; create measurable outcomes and establish compliance plan; and, emphasize advocacy across campus constituents.
- Elevate the classification of the position to include the CDO at the executive leadership table (Executive Council) as a full participatory contributor and partner.
- Propose increased staffing for the Office of Inclusive Excellence.
- Revamp the Inclusive Excellence Council to create a robust advisory board that draws members across campus units and will provide additional leadership infrastructure.
- Workgroup 2: Review and update the Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan
Conveners: Denise Garcia, Bridget Blanshan, and Cameron Stevenson
Review and update status of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan
Work was interrupted due to the COVID-related campus transition to virtual learning and work environment but Workgroup 2 summary report (PDF) is avaliable.
- Workgroup 3: Follow up on Academic Senate 751-18 "Resolution on University Police
Department’s Use of Force & CSUSM’s Critical Incident Response."
Conveners: Sharon Hamill, Michelle Hunt, and Chief Lamine Secka
Follow up on Academic Senate 751-18 "Resolution on University Police Department’s Use of Force & CSUSM’s Critical Incident Response"
Due to the complex nature of the Senate Resolution, four sub-workgroups were formed to address various tasks.
Subgroup A -- Campus Engagement
Examine Critical Issues, Critical Incidents, Emergency Response, Communication, and opportunities to engage and provide input on campus safety and policing, where appropriate.
Work was interrupted due to the COVID-related campus transition to virtual learning and work environments. The subgroup will resume in the fall.
Subgroup B -- Policies
Reviewed Use of Force Policies and senate/other policies addressing safety. Workgroup 3 - Subgroup B summary report (PDF) submitted to Academic Senate.
Recommendations included:
- Identified two policies that need to be reviewed, revised and updated by the relevant
- Use of Security Cameras (FAS)
- Workplace Violence (Office of the President)
- Implement a Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT) at CSUSM, whether by partnering with other agencies and/or campuses, or on our own.
- Create a "campus engagement/advisory group" to work with the UPD. (Note: This group is currently in development.)
- Request that the President’s Office release as much information as possible regarding
February 2019’s incident involving a student and UPD.
- Much of the discussion was "academic" in nature since faculty didn’t have concrete information regarding whether policies had or had not been followed, which would have informed discussions regarding policies that need to be revised.
Next steps and plans for Fall 2020:
- Follow up with UPD regarding status of campus engagement/advisory board.
- Follow up with FAS and Office of the President regarding policies to be revised.
- Commence investigation of restorative policing efforts in U.S. higher education.
Subgroup C -- Student support in critical incidents
Discussed current services and how to increase support, especially during times where a critical incident has occurred.
Work was interrupted due to the COVID-related campus transition to virtual learning and work environments. The subgroup will resume in the fall.
Subgroup D -- Diversity and Equity Standing Committee of the Senate
Explored the possibility of establishing a new standing committee. Defined their charge and committee membership. Summary report submitted to Academic Senate.
The workgroup made significant progress prior to COVID-19. Recommendations for the 2020-2021 academic year include:
- Fall 2020
- Continue the development of a referendum to establish a Diversity and Equity Standing Committee of the Academic Senate.
- Facilitate two (virtual) campus-wide forums to gather feedback from campus on the
draft referendum.
o Use campus feedback to revise draft of referendum.
- Spring 2021
- Present referendum to academic senate
- Host 2 forums for the CSUSM community and conduct anonymous feedback survey for those who cannot attend forums.
- Revise referendum as needed
- Co-chairs and/or work-group senators send draft to AS Executive Council, then Senate
- Revise referendum as needed
- Referendum sent for a vote to all faculty according to AS policy.
- Identified two policies that need to be reviewed, revised and updated by the relevant
Concluding Reflections
Dr. Prado-Olmos and Dr. Clark-Ibáñez have reviewed and, when appropriate, offered feedback on progress and the reports for the Workgroups and Subteams. We thank the conveners, leads, and members who worked diligently on these important issues. We understand that the short period of time to tackle such complex issues was a challenge.
Diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education are essential for the success of all members of the CSUSM community. Our work supports the University’s fifth strategic priority, Educational Equity. The thoughtfulness, commitment and active engagement of Workgroup members are the epitome of always striving for inclusive excellence.
President Neufeldt will be reviewing the reports and will work collaboratively with the campus to move us forward.