Room Reservations
- Reservations must be placed by filling out and submitting an Arts Facilities Request Form, and are only official when they are listed on the School of Arts calendar.
- Once reservations have been set, only cancellations can be made. Date changes are only allowed.
To reserve time for rehearsals and performances in the ARTS building
- Read important information above.
- Reference the corresponding space calendar by clicking on the image of the venue you
want to reserve. Review the available dates/times for your desired rehearsal/event.
Please note: School of Arts productions have first priority during the first three
weeks of the semester. After the first three weeks of the semester, all performance
space in the Arts building are open to reservations for any VPA major, student group,
or outside group on campus.
- Fill out the Arts Facilities Reservation Form. SofA Scheduling will verify room availability and schedule desired dates. Reservation requests must be received 48 hours prior to the event.
- Submit a Request for Facility Use form (RFU) through the University Events Scheduling Office, located in Administrative Building. (RFU's will be created automatically ONLY for School of Arts events and performances,
including independent studies and Capstones).
- All technical needs (lighting, audio, video) and support should be discussed when confirming space reservations with SofA Scheduling. Arts 101 & Arts 111 reservations Do NOT include the use and operational of theatrical lighting; those needs must be communicated prior to scheduling the room.
- Requests for technical support and equipment should be made a minimum of four weeks of advance prior to the event. A charge may apply for technical support for all non-School of Arts events.
- SofA class, independent study, and Capstone productions are responsible for supplying their own student crew for their performance. The student crew must be trained by a qualified SofA instructor or technical staff person before operating the equipment.
- State and University safety procedures will be followed at all times by students, faculty and staff. Failure to practice established and reasonable safety procedures will result in immediate suspension of privileges.
- Class & departmental productions may set up a box office and charge for admission. Cash and checks are accepted. Box office returns should be stored securely, and a tally should be taken by the instructor or designee at the end of each night. The ticket sales should be turned over to the SofA Academic Coordinator for deposit when the production has ended.
- Student Productions (Capstones, Independent Productions, etc.) are NOT allowed to charge a set admission price for their productions. However, students may set up a box office to request for donations at the door.
- Sets and equipment can only be left on stage during the run of a production with permission from the SofA Facility Scheduler. There are regularly scheduled classes, and it may not be safe to leave any sets or equipment unsecured.
At the end of the night, the instructor and students are responsible for returning the room to the normal classroom configuration. This MUST be completed. Failure to restore a room to the EXACT condition in which it was found will result in immediate suspension of access privileges.
A full strike of all sets, artwork, and materials will be done at the end of each production. This means that all materials brought in will be returned to their original storage location or removed from the campus by the students. Any props, costumes, or artwork left behind will be thrown away unless prior arrangements have been made and communicated to the SofA staff. If the room is left in disarray and not returned to the standard configuration at the end of the event, all future privies will be revoked from the individual who has reserved the room - no exceptions!