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Andrew Reed

Andrew smiling with a camera in his handArtist Bio

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Academic Affairs

Andrew is an alumnus of CSUSM and pursued his passion for digital art and media through his VPA Arts & Technology degree. Post graduation he has lent his creativity to many projects including the opening of the USU and University Communications campaigns for Giving Day, Report to the Community, Convocation and more. For Andrew, photography is about capturing and sharing the wonder of experiences and moments.  



Artwork by Andrew Reed

"The Cathedral"
Art Medium: Digital Photo

The Grand Tetons, photographed in late summer, were still dusted with what remained of the previous winter’s snow. This photo was taken on what would turn out to be the last family trip before losing my mom. I remember the quiet stillness of this moment as we sat roadside, eating packed sandwiches, getting one final glimpse before beginning the long journey home. The photo has two halves. One half the grandeur of the far-off peaks and one half the endless wash of the surrounding landscape. 

"Half Time"
Art Medium: Digitial Photo

At a glance, many people will recognize this as Yosemite’s half dome, but when you slow down and pick apart the view beyond the obvious focus, you’ll notice the texture and subtle color of the rock and the sheer scale of how the 50 ft. trees on the distant rim flanking the dome seem like tiny specs against the stone monolith.