Fax: (760) 750-3387
Administrative Building, 1200
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Closed weekends and University holidays
2024 Holiday Observances
Mailing Address
California State University San Marcos
Dean of Students Office, ADM 1200
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096

Student Conduct Process FAQ's
Frequently Asked Conduct Questions
I was involved in an incident and have been referred to the Dean of Students Office; what does that mean?
The Dean of Students Office receives written reports from members of the University community including faculty, staff, University Police, and Housing & Residential Education if a student is accused of violating the Standards for Student Conduct - regardless of whether or not the incident occurred on or off-campus. You will receive a letter and/or email to your CSUSM account from our office with instructions to call or go online to schedule a disciplinary conference to discuss the allegation(s). This one-on-one conference with a Student Conduct Administrator provides you with an opportunity to explain what happened from your perspective and discuss what you learned as a result.
I am a resident of the University Village Apartments (UVA), The QUAD or North Commons and I was involved in an incident. I have already met with a Resident Director about the incident; why am I being referred to the Dean of Students Office too?
If you live on campus and are found in violation of student housing policies, you may also be in violation of the CSU Standards for Student Conduct. The Dean of Students Office works closely with Housing & Residential Education to determine the cases and students that must be referred for university student conduct. It is important to know that the housing conduct process and the university conduct process are separate, so students may have to go through both depending on the severity of the incident. Your behavior at the University Village Apartments (UVA), The QUAD or North Commons may impact both your housing (lease) and student status at CSUSM. For additional information about the policies when residing in University Student Housing, review your Resident Handbook in detail.
What if I am accused of academic dishonesty?
If you are accused of academic dishonesty (violating the Academic Integrity Policy), you will have an opportunity to speak to your instructor about the allegation. If you understand that you have committed an act of dishonesty, it is best to admit to doing so and to apologize to the professor. It will not prevent the instructor from assessing a lower academic grade; however it is the ethical thing for you to do if a violation occurred. Under the University policy on Academic Integrity, the professor may assess an academic outcome ranging from verbal warning to an “F” in the course. The professor is required to refer the matter to the Dean of Students Office, per CSUSM's Academic Integrity Policy. The grading process and conduct process are handled separately and one will not inform the other. Do not attempt to dissuade or discourage the professor from their obligation to refer the incident, as this is considered a violation of the Standards for Student Conduct: (19) "Violation of the Student Conduct Procedures, including: Attempting to discourage another from participating in the student discipline matter, attempting to influence the impartiality of any participant in a student discipline matter, verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of any participant in a student discipline matter."
What happens if I fail to respond to the request for a disciplinary conference with the Dean of Students Office?
If you fail to comply with the request to schedule a disciplinary conference, the Student Conduct Administrator may place a hold on your student account prohibiting you from adding or dropping classes or obtaining a transcript or other University documents. You may also be scheduled for a Formal Hearing to resolve your case per the CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures. It is important for students to respond to letters from and communicate with the Dean of Students Office regardless of plans to continue enrollment at CSUSM in the future.
Can someone attend the disciplinary conference with me?
Yes, you may ask another person to accompany you to the disciplinary conference to serve as an advisor. An advisor is there to provide the student with support, however, may not speak on the student’s behalf. If you invite another person into the disciplinary conference you are providing authorization for that person to hear information about the allegation. You must be aware that separate disciplinary conferences are scheduled for any students involved in the same disciplinary matter, including those who have been referred to the Dean of Students Office and/or who may have witnessed an incident being investigated by the Dean of Students Office. To learn more about the role of the advisor, review Executive Order 1098, Article III, Section B (Advisors). Please note that multiple advisors are not permitted to attend conduct meetings per our processes.
Can I have an attorney serve as my advisor?
Under current University policy, the advisor may not be an attorney except in cases where expulsion is a proposed sanction. However, nothing precludes you from consulting with an attorney prior to the disciplinary conference. Students are encouraged to review Article III, Section D (Attorneys) of CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures to learn more about the role of attorneys in the Student Conduct process.
Can my parents or another 3rd party obtain information from the Dean of Students Office about my case?
Your disciplinary proceedings are confidential and protected by University policy based on federal law (for more information, see FERPA). If a parent or another 3rd party contacts our office concerning a disciplinary matter, they will be referred back to you for clarification. By submitting a FERPA Release of Information (waiver), we do not remove the student from our communications and replace them with a different person who is not the student involved; which would violate the CSU Systemwide Process – CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures. Students remain at the center of the process, as the student is the one held accountable to the Standards for Student Conduct while they are a student at any CSU campus.
Our office will provide disciplinary information to your parents or another 3rd party if you have signed a release (FERPA waiver) to do so. Contact the Dean of Students Office for more details and/or to request a FERPA Release of Information form.
Who has access to my disciplinary record?
Your disciplinary record is considered confidential. However, information concerning your disciplinary record may be available to appropriate University officials, faculty and/or staff who have a legitimate educational interest in such information. In addition, information regarding your disciplinary record may be released to other individuals or entities upon your written request or in accordance with state and federal law. CSU policy states that most disciplinary records must be kept for seven years. Disciplinary records may be kept permanently if a sanction results in a permanent transcript notation (Suspensions of 1 year or more and Expulsions), denial or revocation of a degree, and/or withdrawal of a diploma.
May I request information regarding my case over the telephone?
As a general rule, we do not provide such information over the phone because information regarding disciplinary matters is highly confidential, and we must be sure that we are providing the information to the correct person. If you have not already scheduled a conference with a Student Conduct Administrator, you may call (760) 750-4935.
If I am placed on disciplinary probation, can I still hold office in a student organization?
Students who are found in violation of the Standards for Student Conduct are subject to a range of sanctions, including disciplinary probation. Disciplinary probation may prevent you from participating in select co-curricular leadership opportunities. Please refer to the Student Leadership and Involvement Center (SLIC) for more information about qualifications.
How long will my disciplinary record be maintained?
Most disciplinary records are maintained for at least seven years. Some records, however, are kept permanently, including sanctions such as a suspension of more than one year, expulsion, denial or revocation of a degree, and/or withdrawal of a diploma.
If the violation also involves an alleged crime, can I be prosecuted through the criminal courts as well as being referred to the Dean of Students Office?
Yes, the alleged violation may result in an investigation by both the University and the legal system, however, criminal and university administrative processes are separate.
How can I have a Dean of Students hold lifted from my student account?
If you have an administrative Dean of Students Hold, you have likely not fulfilled obligations concerning a disciplinary case. This may include not scheduling a disciplinary conference, signing an outcome letter or completing required sanctions. You are encouraged to call the Dean of Students Office at (760) 750-4935 for questions regarding a hold.
What steps do I take to complete questions on applications or reference forms about disciplinary records?
You will need to bring the form to the Dean of Students Office or email it to dos@csusm.edu. The Dean of Students Office is located in Administrative Building 1200. You will need to bring an official photo ID, the signed form, and a stamped, addressed envelope (or electronic instructions). If the form does not have a signed release allowing us to provide information of that nature, you will be asked to sign a release in our office. Generally, these forms are processed within 72 hours (3 business days; excluding weekends and holidays). To request a summary letter of your conduct record, please email dos@csusm.edu.
Graduate, Post-Secondary and/or Credential Program Applications:
Graduate schools may inquire about a student's conduct record during the application process. Questions on these forms vary in addition to the individual program's admissions requirements. Please consult with the Dean of Students Office to determine if you have a student conduct record and if so, what will be reported to a prospective graduate program or professional school.
Job and/or Internship Applications:
Most future employers will not inquire about your student conduct record. However, relevant organizations may require you to release your records for review by an affiliated investigator (e.g. if you are sitting for the bar exam, or the job you're applying to involves security clearance). The investigator will provide us with a copy of your signed release form and request a summary of your student conduct records. Please consult with the Dean of Students Office to determine if you have a student conduct record and if so, what will be reported to a prospective employer.
Will I be able to know the outcome of another student’s disciplinary matter?
We will only release information when required to do so by state or federal law and CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures.
Where may I find out more information about the Student Conduct process?
Please see California State University's Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures: Executive Order CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures.