Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is eligible to apply?Incoming first year and transfer students whom are First Generation, seeking their first Bachelor's Degree. Currently enrolled CSUSM students are not eligible.
- Where and how do I apply?
Complete EOP application questions within your CSU admissions application. The EOP application includes five autobiographical questions and two recommendations.
- What is your application period?
Spring EOP Applications: August 1st - August 31st.
Fall EOP Applications: October 1st - January 15th.
Typically, students apply to EOP during the CSU application period October 1 - March15. Applicants who did not apply to EOP during the October 1 - March 15 CSU application period may contact the Cal State Apply Applicant Help Center. EOP application access requests are granted through January 15.
EOP recommendations are due by January 31st for Fall and September 15th for Spring. Cal State Apply will email recommendation links to recommenders at the time of EOP application submission. Applicants may log into their Cal State Apply account for recommendation submission status.
- Who do I contact if I am experiencing technical issues with my EOP application?
Cal State Apply Application Help Center
Phone: (857) 304-2087
Email: CalStateApply@liaisoncas.com
- Cal State Apply typically provides responses to emails within 2 business days; however, response times can take up to 3 business days when at their busiest.
- Be sure to have your CAS ID # (located under your name in the upper-right corner of the application) when contacting Cal State Apply via phone or email.
- When will I receive an EOP admissions decision?EOP applications are reviewed after CSU admissions decisions are made. EOP admissions decisions are electronically communicated via the email address provided on the applicants' application.
- Are income verification documents required?Income verifying documents ARE NOT required by EOP at CSU San Marcos. Our office will verify reported income information with CSUSM's Financial AId Office.
- I missed the EOP application period. Can I still apply to the program?Late application materials are not accepted nor processed. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that application materials are submitted by the deadline.
- Who to contact if I have application questions?
Email: eop@csusm.edu
Brenda Mata, Retention Counselor (760) 750-6051 - Can I change my recommenders?
Yes. You will need to contact CalstateApply@liaisoncas.com or call 857-304-2087.
The deadline will be set at two weeks from the day you request the EOP recommendation but letters of recommendation must be received by January 31st for Fall Application Period and/or September 15th for the Spring Application Period.
- Do students in community college EOPS Program automatically qualify for CSU's Educational
Opportunity Program?No. They must submit an application and follow the same procedure as other applicants. However, special consideration will be given to EOP&S program students in an effort to enhance the transfer and graduation rates of these students.