Open Educational Resources
With the ever increasing costs of textbooks and materials for students is pushing Open Educational Resources (OER) as an alternative. Through OER the cost of student materials can be drastically reduced. OER also gives instructors the ability to customize the materials, creating the "perfect" textbook instead of being bound to traditional print resources. OERs are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes.
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Z-Degree - Zero cost materials degree - think Open Education Resource (OER) first - collaboration with community colleges
- Integration into vendor
products and Learning Management System - Contributor to OER not just consumer
- Open Pedagogy - Students create content to share in OER community - technology tools to support.
Campus Connection
Academic Excellence - 1.1 Ensure a personal student centered learning environment
1.2 Provide interactive and applied learning
1.5 Support faculty research, creative activities and development
1.6 Integrate appropriate innovative technology throughout the academic experience
1.7 Provide academic and student services support for student retention, success and graduation
1.9 Provide students and faculty with the library materials, appropriate equipment, and classroom/laboratory supplies to support the learning environment
Student Life - 2.1 Engage and support first year students to improve retention and connectedness
2.3 Offer seamless services and single contact points for student services
Campus Climate - 3.2 Deliver service-oriented and efficient administrative processes
3.3 Demonstrate commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability
3.4 Support professional development and celebrate achievement
Community Partnerships - 4.1 Strengthen K-16 and other educational partnerships
4.5 Strengthen university visibility and image
Educational Equity - 5.2 Provide welcoming environments for all communities of difference and serve to promote informal exchange of ideas, social interaction and collaboration within and among all groups
5.5 Provide equal access to technology and information
What is IITS already doing related to Open Educational Resources?
- CALM Program
- Website
- Faculty awareness
- Library collaboration
- ASI partnership / resolution
- IPA - data collection
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Open Educational Resources?
- Bookstore
- Administration / Provost / Deans
- Academic programs
- Tutoring centers / Academic Success Center /STEM Center
- Orientation
- Community colleges - stronger bonds and collaboration
- Faculty Center
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Open Educational Resources surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Easier to intergrate materials from search into CC
- Training for faculty & students using technology
- Ease for faculty, to designate
- Support library in getting data on database usage
- Develop online training for faculty
- searching for resources
- currating resources
- cool4Ed portfolio
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Open Educational Resources needs, if adopted?
- AB1359 implement
- Limited people w/ OER knowledge
- faculty reporting is challenge time / funding
- develop resources
- process paperwork
- find faculty
- teach faculty
- Training for faculty on course redesign w/ new materials
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Lower cost textbooks
- Faculty need
- Support Materials
- Want to know resource is quality
- Physical text for some students
- Better selection of OER materials
- Spport for creating OER
- Need easy place to share
- Self service LTI
- High risk to faculty
- Administration support
- Dept support