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Public Health Nurse Certificate

All TBSN, ABSN and ADN/RN to BSN Graduates ONLY

Students are encouraged to apply for their California Public Health Nurse Certificate just as soon as you have graduated with your BSN degree and have received your RN license. This is a lifetime certificate and you will be eligible to apply for this certificate just as soon as you have received your permanent RN license number. The BSN program at CSUSM covers the required content to receive the Public Health Nursing Certificate.

Students will be completing the Public Health Nurse Certificate application process on their own after they have graduated with their BSN degree and obtained their RN license number. 

Refer to attached link for information:  Public Health Nurse

Application for Public Health Nurse Certification is a three-step process. 

Step One:

  1. Possess a California RN License Number.
  2. Review the Public Health Nurse Certification Application
  3. Complete PHN online application.

Step Two:

  1. Complete BRN Request for Transcript form (pg. 8) of the application.
  2. Follow the instructions for ordering transcripts from this site:  Order Transcripts | Office of the Registrar | CSUSM. Request a CSUSM Electronic Transcript to be emailed to the BRN.
  3. Upload the BRN Request of Transcript form when you order your transcript. Note: The BRN Request of Transcript form needs to be attached to your transcript when it is sent to the BRN. 
  4. Send a copy of the BRN Request of Transcript form the School of Nursing* for signature. 
    • *It can be sent to, who will complete the bottom part and forward it to the Registrar's Office

All TBSN, ABSN, & RN-BSN Graduates will need to request an additional copy of your official CSUSM transcript. The BRN will no longer have access to your transcripts once they issue your RN license since they send completed files to their storage facility. Thus, they need an additional transcript to process your PHN Certificate.

NOTE:  Please allow seven to ten business days for the Registrar to mail the official transcript to the BRN (or to your own address).

Students will hear back directly from the BRN with the Certificate. 

Graduates that now live out of the area will need to mail the CSUSM Transcript Request Form & the BRN Transcript PHN Certification Form directly to the Registrar's Office. The address is listed on the CSUSM Transcript Request Form.