All Nursing students attending California State University San Marcos and who are interested in securing scholarships or any form of financial aid during the academic year, are encouraged to complete a General Scholarship application and essay. It is a very simple process and could possibly result in hundreds or thousands of dollars! The scholarship application is available online. The instructions for the essay are also included on this Website. The completed application should be sent or delivered to Cougar Central (3rd floor of Administrative Building). You are also encouraged to complete a FAFSA application annually. This can be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov
Student Private Loan Specific to Nursing
Wells Fargo Bank offers the MedCAP private loan for Health Professionals, including Nursing students admitted to a specific degree program.
Once Admitted into a CSUSM Nursing Program
In addition to the resources listed below, numerous private scholarship opportunities are available expressly for California State University San Marcos Nursing students. For a complete list of these scholarships, please contact the University's Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
Additional State and National Scholarships Available:
- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) awards $1,500 per academic year to students who complete baccalaureate or graduate degree programs in nursing.
- American Assembly for Men in Nursing Foundation and Johnson & Johnson’s Campaign for Nursing’s Future are offering a new $1,000 scholarship program for male students pursuing professional nursing education programs.
- Army ROTC Nurse Officer Program provides scholarship, leadership, and job opportunities to prospective undergraduate college nursing students.
- Deloras Jones Scholarship Program offers two scholarships to students within California; one is need-based, one if merit-based. Need-based scholarships of $1,000-2,500 are offered to students enrolled in approved nursing degree programs in California. Kaiser Permanente employees are not eligible.
- ExceptionalNurse.com awards a $250 scholarship to a qualified student with a disability. Preference is given to undergraduates.
- Flo's Cookie Jar provides emergency grants-in-aid, not to exceed $2,000, for students in a Generic/Basic BSN or LVN to BSN program.
- Health Professions Education Foundation administers a number of scholarship and loan repayment programs for health professional students and graduates. All program recipients are required to provide direct patient care in a medically underserved area (MUA) of California as designated by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). The period of obligated professional service is one to four years (depending upon program).
- Health Resources and Services Administration Nursing Scholarship Program is a selective program of the U.S. Government that helps alleviate the critical shortage of registered nurses currently experienced by certain types of health care facilities by helping needy students complete their registered nurse training. In exchange for the scholarship, upon graduation, the newly minted nurses work at these types of facilities for at least 2 years. Nursing Scholars fulfilling their service commitment receive a competitive salary and benefits package, which they negotiate directly with the employing facility. Applications are accepted once each year.
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund: Scholarship applications for the 2012-2013 Academic year are currently available.
- The Indian Health Service (IHS) administers a program to help repay undergraduate and graduate loans of health professionals in return for full-time clinical service in Indian health programs.
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) awards $2,000 annually to students earning a master's degree in a maternal-child nursing program and $1,000 to student members enrolled in any level nursing program, including baccalaureate.
- National Black Nurses Association (NBNA)offers a Student Nurse of the Year award to an NBNA member in pursuit of a baccalaureate or other advanced nursing degree.
- National Health Service Corps, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has information about scholarships and loan repayment programs for health care professionals who practice in a medically underserved area.
- Nurse Loan Repayment and Scholarship Programadministered by The Division of Nursing at HRSA, is available for registered nurses. Participants must serve at a health facility in an underserved area to receive loan repayments.
- Nurses' Educational Funds, Inc. offers a scholarship for nurses enrolled in an accredited master's or doctoral level nursing program.
- Oncology Nursing Society Foundation awards academic scholarships specifically for students pursuing bachelor's degrees.
- OnlineNursingDegrees.org: Mary Blake Single Parent Nursing Scholarship: Named after Mary Blake, a single mother and Registered Nurse who moved from Florida to Atlanta for better opportunities, this scholarship recognizes and rewards the efforts of individuals who meet the joint challenges of single parenthood and nursing. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program. Essay required – 500 word minimum. Free to enter. Must be US citizen.
- Philippine Nurses Association of San Diego(PNASD) offers scholarship funds to Filipino and Filipino American nursing students currently enrolled in an accredited school of nursing.
- State Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education for Nurses in State Facilities(SNAPLE NSF) is a state-funded competitive registered nurse incentive program administered by the California Student Aid Commission (Commission). It is designed to encourage outstanding students to obtain their California Registered Nursing License and serve in an eligible position as a registered nurse in a state-operated facility with a registered nurse vacancy rate greater than 10 percent. This year the Commission will select up to 100 new participants for the program. Under the provisions of the SNAPLE NSF program, the Commission will assume up to $20,000 of outstanding educational loan balances.
- Sylvia Chavez Memorial Scholarship: The MANA de San Diego - Sylvia Chavez Memorial Scholarships provides financial assistance to Latinas enrolled in community college or university. Scholarships are granted to qualified applicants pursuing a Bachelor degree through doctoral programs. About $25,000 scholarship awards are handed out yearly.
- Tylenol Scholarship is a national scholarship program offering $1,000 - $10,000 scholarships worldwide, with 40 scholarships reserved for college students in the US and Canada.
Other Helpful Links:
- Nursing Scholarships Information (General)
- Nursing Grants (General)
- Scholarships.com
- Johnson & Johnson's Discover Nursing Website has an extensive nursing scholarships search feature.
- Money Geek: Scholarship Guide for Hispanic Students: A complete guide to finding scholarships and financial resources for Hispanic students.