Committee Charge: The Diversity and Equity Curriculum Committee (DECC) has general oversight of all matters related to the Diversity and Equity (DE) Graduation Requirement. It supports the implementation of DE certification courses across the California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) curriculum to meet the diverse needs of our students by providing tailored support services, technology for equitable instructional access and opportunities, resources and inclusive curriculum that meet and celebrate them where they are (Ref 1: Strategic Plan 3.3.). Because we are a diverse campus that values intellectual engagement as well as community and inclusivity, we recognize the need to assist students in gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences that will provide an understanding of diversity and equity.
The DECC shall oversee:
1) peer-review of course proposals seeking Diversity and Equity certification and
periodic assessment of certified courses, 2) professional development opportunities
related to Diversity and Equity curriculum,
3) review and revision of the Diversity and Equity Graduation Requirement Policy,
4) advocacy for the mission of the Diversity and Equity requirement, and
5) partnering with other units on campus to serve as a point of referral, advising,
and support for Diversity and Equity curriculum-related matters for our campus.
Members of the DECC serve as advocates for the requirement and its founding policy, demonstrating a commitment to preserving the integrity of justice-based curriculum for all CSUSM students.