Academic Senate
The Academic Senate acts as the representative body within the faculty through which the responsibilities of the faculty are exercised.
The Academic Senate formulates, evaluates, and recommends to the President of the University policies and procedures which pertain to the development, maintenance, and improvement of the University program in academic matters.
The Constitution & Bylaws of the University Faculty and the Academic Senate establish the basis upon which the Academic Senate participates in the governance of CSUSM.
Faculty Governance
Through a process referred to as "shared governance", a tradition in academia with roots dating back to medieval times, the university faculty play a significant role in the institution's growth and development.
The degree programs and curricula offered by the university are designed and vetted by the faculty. In consult with university administrators, the faculty also develop policies and procedures related to graduation requirements, faculty personnel matters, student grievances, periodic assessment of degree programs, the handling of intellectual property, and other aspects of university stewardship. The Academic Senate is the primary vehicle for faculty engagement in these activities.